
Why do i run when thing get bad?

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Why do i run when thing get bad?




  1. well......  im sry to say this but that kinda bein a COWARD u r a scared person...... one day u wont do that anymore tho hopefully

  2. There's nothing wrong with being afraid

    maybe you don't want to get hurt or have been hurt too many times

    we all have our fears, we all just act differently upon them

    I actually do the same thing

    constantly run away from my problems

    you shouldn't be ashamed of it

  3. unknown.  when adversity rears its ugly head;  take a deep breath and look into its little beady eyes.  stay focused and you can overcome anything.

  4. because you are afraid of controversial and adverse situations...

  5. That is just some peoples reaction.  The key is to realize this and to deal with situations in a manner that keeps you from either running or not running so far.  Some times you just in a little space and time to sort things out.  So the key is to not burn your bridges and limit your running till you can spend some time getting perspective on things.

  6. You're a coward?


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