
Why do i see everything as fake.

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I been have n a lot of stress on my mind lately,and i been letting things get to my head and believe it,like the simplest words.Ok someone said I was dreaming on here,and now im going crazy.because I was depressed about not feeling like my self and like now its like my bodys in shock and i think everything is fake,and i think im in a dream and i cant get up to be me and i cant stop crying,what do i do.It like im not really me like im off sleeping some were and im dreaming right now im going crazy what do i do.




  1. You better go see a shrink. As far as I know this is NO dream.

  2. I can help you...

    It may be from the stress, it may be from the anxiety, or it may be a "short term" result of depression. Hopefully it's depression. But what you currently have is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

    And don't worry, you are most defiantly not crazy. Oddly enough a lot of our population has DID and don't even realize it. Only until recently, say 20 years or less, have psychiatrists actually started to work on this mental psychosis.

    DID usually lasts 6 months to a year, or until your body has coped. You see, when your body is stressed, worried, or fearful of imminent danger (life threatening or not) it goes into this mad up world that allows you to be safe for the time being. You find this happening a lot in car accidents and when someone is being abused. But it does not have to be that sever to occur.

    Here is some basic info on what you may have:


    Dissociative Identity Disorder is is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment.

    Symptoms of basic DID (you may have all, some, or one of the following):

    multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs that are dissimilar to each other, headaches and other body pains, distortion or loss of subjective time, depersonalization, amnesia, depression, derealization, epilepsy, schizophrenia, anxiety, Mood disorders, post-traumatic stress, personality and/or eating disorders

    With DID it usually follows anxiety and stress and breaks off into one or both of two sub categories, Derealization and Depersonalization.


    Derealization is a psychopathological syndrome characterized by loss of identity and feelings of unreality and strangeness about one's own behavior

    Symptoms: super spaciness, like looking through a gray veil or a fog when trying to think critically, feeling spaced-out, like being trapped in a fish bowl, or stuck behind behind glass, or living in a Disney-world dream state, feeling withdrawn from yourself, feeling cut off or distant from the immediate surroundings, like being a spectator at some strange and meaningless game, objects appear diminished in size, flat, dream/cartoon-like, fake/artificial; objects appear to be unsolid, to breathe, or to shimmer"as if my head were inside a Coke bottle and I'm viewing the world through the thick glass at the bottom"


    Depersonalization is an 'alteration' in the perception or experience of the self so that one feels 'detached' from, and as if one is an 'outside' observer of, one's mental processes or body. A feeling of watching oneself act, while having no control over a situation.

    Symptoms: feeling unreal, fake, disembodied, divorced from oneself, separate or apart from everything, unattached, alone, strange, just "weird", foreign, unfamiliar to yourself, dead, puppet-like, zombi-like, like a robot going through the motions of life, feeling lifeless, cartoony,

    like 'cardboard' figure, or made of cotton-wool, hazy thoughts, feeling automated, or like a spectator watching your life as a movie by sitting in the audience, like you're not doing your own thinking, or that your observing the flow of ideas in the mind as independent and unthought by you.


    Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration.

    Symptoms: Depressed mood and other emotional problems, Persistent sadness, Inappropriate crying, Feelings of worthlessness, Hopelessness, Empty feeling, Misery, Inappropriate guilt, Loss of confidence, Loss of interest in activities, Sluggishness, Agitation, Lack of energy, Tiredness, Restlessness, Thoughts of death or suicide, Irritability, Losing your temper, Anxiety, Suicide attempts, Despair worse at night, Eating pattern changes (eating more or less than usual), Appetite loss, Weight loss, Overeating, Weight gain, Sleep pattern changes, Difficulty sleeping, Oversleeping, Waking too early, Mental changes, Forgetfulness, Difficulty thinking, Difficulty concentrating, Difficulty making decisions, Fear of the future, Social problems, Relationship difficulty, Isolation, Alcohol problems, Drug problems, s*x problems, Loss of interest in s*x, Loss of enjoyment of recreation, Staying in bed all day, Social withdrawal, Physical problems, Headaches, Backaches, Body aches, Stomach aches, Joint aches, Muscle aches, Constipation

    Signs of childhood or adolescent depression:

    Poor school grades, Poor school attendance, Getting into trouble, Running away from home, Substance abuse, Reckless behavior, Crazy amounts of sleeping

    Sound kind of familiar? If so, I posted many links below!

    Great books:

  3. Go to a Doctor.

    Get some medicine.

    Take the medicine.

    Feel much better.  

  4. some negative comes into life so we appreciate the good.things go hay wire for only a short while hang in there do not claim it think positive  

  5. This question belongs more properly in the social science (specifically, psychology section) because what you are experiencing is disassociation. That is when the stability of one's rational mind is short circuited by external or internal stress, causing it to lose 'solidity' and thus make one feel as if they are losing touch with reality, becoming 'fake' or feeling that one's real self is secretely somewhere far away from themselves.

    it is not that your 'real' self is seperated from you, it is that your rational mind cannot integrate this new idea of yourself (unstable, confused, upset, emotional) with the old idea that wasn't any of these things. This conflict makes the mind sorta 'run away' and disassociate itself from the stress of trying to believe two different things at the same time, which is why it is called dissassociative disorder or something like that (am not a psychologist so I don't know the lingo.) This is also why most dissassociative personalities try to shut down, mainly by sleeping, because a sleeping mind can disassociate all it wants, or jump from one crazy idea in a dream to another, without it causing all that much confusion in real life. If you have a dream where you are sitting on your couch one moment, and your suddenly riding a whale with Barack Obama asking you if you like tea, and that just makes you lash out with a shotgun, only to see your 5th grade science teacher asking you where your homework is, and you realize you are back in 5th grade and don't have your homework and don't know the answer and are totally confused and everything is so weird you simply wake up; what you say to yourself when you wake up is "wow, wtf was that all about." You accept the 'craziness' of the dream because dreams can be that illogical and jump from one idea to the next like that, when that happens in real-life, your brain gets fried because it thinks you should be 'rational' when you're awake.

    Well, its 'rational' to be crazy if you are under alot of stress and stuff. Post your questions under the Social Science section, talk to some people, and ask others what you should do (a majority of them will suggest seeking professional help and some medication to help you through the worst of the symptoms right now, so that you can calm down and begin to examine how you and your mind got to this place.)

  6. Yep....get to a doctor medical 1st and let the doctor either give you some thing or recommend you to a councilor.

  7. Nothing is as it seems, nor is it anything else/

  8. sounds like you have a dose of clinical depression. see your gp

  9. You aren't dreaming, trust me.

    Umm, you know what the problem is, now you have to work on correcting it.

    Either by yourself or with a doctor.

  10. you should go to a doctor straight away

  11. just vomit, after that you will feel good

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