
Why do i see ghosts and why do i have flasbacks?

by Guest45014  |  earlier

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ok i see ghosts and I'm able to read people's aura i don't know how it happens but it does.when im bymyself in my room i always here this strange popping noise.i always see blood on the walls.even thought no one died.i always see blood on the walls and a girls head being bashed into the wall i dont know why i see thimgs like this i watch a haunting paranormal state phyic kids.i read write and watch anything that has to do wit the paranormal.know one belives me does anyone know why i see things and why i keep getting flashbacks and images of ppl dieing?if ur going to be rude or mean dont answer




  1. well go to the doctors and see if it's schetziphrenia (sp?) if not your the 8th stage clairevoyance

  2. wow i wish i had your gift! you should do some more studying on how to help the ghosts you see! like in ghost whisperer! but wait till you understand what your doing before you try coz you dont want bad ghosts after you

  3. it sounds like eighth stage clairvoyance. is there any history of phsycic ability or any form of clairvoyance in your bloodline?

  4. maybe your a medium

  5. I cant tell you why other than you have a gift. It might not seem like a gift, but that is what I choose to call it. I have always dealt with the paranormal. I remember things as far back as I can remember. I have always sensed or felt the energies around me. I did not always know that was what I was experiencing but once I acknowledged and embraced my gift(which i found runs in my bloodline), I began to "see" things I do not particularly like. I would tell your Higher Power that you only want to see the good stuff. Thank God/Goddess for the gift you have been granted, but ask to only see either good things, or situations that you might be able to help in.

    I would try a cleansing ritual on the house and yrself, smudging with sage while asking yer HP to cleanse yer home and yer spirit.  

  6. Not to be rude but it's called schizophrenia and is a severe mental condition.  You should have it checked out because it can be debilitating.

  7. You're not mad or Schizophrenic. You are picking up on two different types of energy here.

    Firstly it is a gift (but you may consider it a curse because of the horific things you will see)

    I also get flashes - that are like a mini-clip of film, usually involving an event where pain was felt.  As a paranormal investigator I can say that pain does leave more of an impression than happy feelings - so expect to see more of the bad events. These are residual memories - usually viewed as the attacker, but you can have the ability to see through the victim too,- instantly. Sometimes the images are real-time, but mostly speeded up - or somehow compressed into a short time - but you remember all of it. Hard to explain.

    I don't see ghosts - just experience them as a presence, so you're ahead of me on that score.

    Try joining a spiritualist church development circle, or I can give you another place to join online if you would rather.

    It may make you depressed - this is a normal side effect. If you notice this - get help from others as soon as possible.

    Best of luck for the future.

  8. If everything you are saying is true, then you have to take control of the situation. First and foremost, research psychic abilities and gifts. Such as clairvoyance, clairaudient, etc etc....Then you have to let your fears go. Do not let your fear of all of this take control of you, by doing that you are letting the negativity play a bigger part than you want. I would also suggest finding someone you can trust that has these same or like abilities and use them as a mentor or at least get some useful information. Find a local, reliable psychic for instance. You can also ask these images to stop. Yes, you do have some control over this. Remember that. There is a lot involved in what you are experiencing. PLease do not meddle or try anything that you are not experienced in!  Good Luck and If you have any other questions please feel free to ask me. I have been doing this for 26 yrs.

    Mystical Embrace Inc...

    Psychic/Healer & Paranormal Researcher


  9. wow i honestly have to say that in the last few weeks i have been having this weird feeling that someone is in my room with me. like last night, i can swear that i heard footsteps in my room. the weird thing is though, i normally would be afriad, but this 'prescense' (or however you spell that) actually doesnt scare me. it for some reason makes me feel ok.... adn i also hear random poping noises at night. i never see anyone though. and last night it felt like someone was whispering near me but i looked around and no one was there. teh whispering was really low so i couldnt  understand what was being said

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