
Why do i still love him so much?

by  |  earlier

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Hes hurt me so many times these past 2 years and yet i still love him and can't let him go because i feel like i can't live without him because i'll be even more miserable than I am now. He knows how much he can hurt me and always messes with my head, its like he controls me.I can't break up with him though because i feel like i need to be in a relationship all the time and i don't no why but i still love him. He also says things about me stuff like im a c**p gf and no one understands how hard it is going out with me which makes me feel completely worthless and that if i havn't got him no one else will want me. What can i do i hate feeling like this.




  1. Boy, he's good. He is teaching you that you can't think unless he says so. You can't have any one else because he says so. You said he controls you and this is a part of what you already know. You want to leave but you feel that he is right. There is not a soul out there that will want you and you are thankful that he does. Your home life must be or have been really controlling by a controlling dad first and then possibly mom. You need some help in buiding your self esteem. That is the only way you are going to become a whole person. Right now you are a shell

  2. First off you do not need a relationship, I sometimes feel the same way but eventually you see that you do not. All the relationship does is give you a sense of belonging, join a team or find something that you enjoy and go do it. Next if he is that bad and controlling then you should get out of that situation before it gets worse or possible abusive as it is already emotionally abusive. Forget him there is a man out there that will treat you right.

  3. you wont like my answer but i've been through the same i was with my boyfriend for a year and a half and he would cheat and compare them to me he would tell me i had fat legs and thats lucky as it can hold the rest of me up so i started to become so low i wouldnt talk to him and he'd knock me on the head and asked if i`d finally given up.. so i ended up telling my friend and she told me to leave him and i did and honestly you get low but after a month it gets a million times easier  and you know that your worth so much more i`m so happy now i'd hate to think anyone is going through what i went through your boyfriend sounds like a bully xx

    good luck with watever you choose to do x

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