
Why do i suck at my tests and ?

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I study, but by the time i take the test... i forget the information????

Can someone help me come up with something that will help me?

Eitehr study better or something...!

My teacher yelled at me and i hate when men yell at me.

I came home and cryed.





  1. That's a tough one. What's the class. But just some general study tips is (too study in advance). I'm a total procrastinator and obviously cramming isn't a good thing. So once you know you have a test coming or even if you don't start committing the material to memory (or whatever class it is). If you pound you're brain with information over a period of time rather than one day chances are you're brain will remember it more after getting more reinforcement.

    One thing I learned is if you make flash cards maybe try a new method where you phrase you're flashcard into a question. For example for chemistry don't just write the vocab word and a definition. Try and have a question that you have to answer and thus it will really help you.

    Maybe try studying with friends that could really benefit but make sure the friends aren't the partying type get with the geniuses in you're school.

    Also don't study for six seven hours straight or whatever try and take a break to help you're self. Maybe a thirty minute break where you read or do something. Of course take good notes and compare you're notes with you're classmates make sure you don't miss anything and when you're in the car home or walking home or whatever transportation pull those notes out and look at them. The more you just take you're study materials out the more it will be committed to memory.

    If it's a math class do lots of practice problems make sure that you can solve the problem.

    Sometimes I thought I had whatever I was studying committed to memory only until a few hours later i found out I really didn't know anything.

  2. I had the exact same problem. My cousin who is a child physcologist helped me, here's how.

    When you study your using your short term memory. Which means while your studying you can remember everything, but your using the repetition. Which means that basically your just repeating what you need to learn in your head without connecting any of the ideas.

    What you need to do is study using your long term memory. In order to get things into your long term memory you need to connect them. You can do so by creating a story that uses all the things. Here's an example of what I mean.

    Okay memorize this list of things:










    Now turn away from the computer screen and write down everything on the list that you can remember. You have one minute on you.

    Now you might have remembered everything, but try to write down everything on the list after five minutes have passed and you haven't studied the list. You probably can't remember too many items.

    So here is what you do. Instead of memorizing each individual item on the list, use all the items to create a story. Here's one for the list of items:

    A mouse hid from my cat behind a rock. I grabbed a cage, but stubbed my toe on a hammer. The cage had paper inside it.  Some cheese hung from a string inside the cage.

    Your more likely to remember all the items five minutes from now if you memorize the story; because you've now put the items into your long term memory. Hope this helps you!

  3. I suck at tests too. I think its because I get too nervous and I start to feel a lot of pressure. But i found out if I relax more it helps. I try not to worry so much and do my best and that helps. Study with a friend that will help you concentrate and be on task not someone you will be distracted with. It also helps to review your courses once in a while because sometimes we learn something then we forget it. For example when you get home from school I would look over my notes from all my classes that day.  

  4. I agree with all of the tips, review the material in your text each night , structure your day giving so much time to each subject and you will not have to cram 3 chapters of the text into a few days. As soon as the test in mentioned begin reviewing material and no late night studying. Try studying without the T.V. in the back ground and turn your phone off the least distractions the better. Go to bed earlier than normal and get a good nights sleep. Eat something for breakfast the day of the test. I to freeze up on some test but if I take a deep breath before it starts and if I feel myself freezing up I stop and calm myself rather than to try to finish the test stressed out. There are courses-some free-on test taking tips-

  5. Pay attention to what you're studying, don't just read it over quickly. Group studying is the best, just get together with friends and teach each other.

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