
Why do i sweat so much throughout the day?

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during school i sweat so much!

my hands and feet are constantly sweating even though im not even that hot!

why is thiss?

what does itt meann?




  1. have you ever noticed whenever you inhale something that irritates your nose it becomes runny for a while.


    the same thing is happening to your body.

    it's trying to flush out whatever toxins it's got in it.

    that's why it keeps sweating.

    try drinking fresh green tea; cold is the best a few times a day for @least a week.

    but also check your blood sugar to rule out any blood sugar problems

  2. It could be that your body needs more hydration than others. Drinks lots of fluid. Have your blood pressure also checked?

  3. I hope that I got it right and that my answer will be of help to you. For your eyes 'only'! or...not?

    There are plenty of reasons for this to come by though the most frequent one would be that you are somewhat overweight. If you are the reason for this in turn would be the surplus of adipose tissue that you possess having a metabolism of its own and little in the way of ventilation since perfusion and in turn heat poorly managed proportionally what with vessels and the likes being of lesser count and so on and so on.

    There are some other less common reasons for you being this way. Ever heard of hyperthyroidism? What you do then is that your body is in high gear when it comes to metabolism and other things. You will not be able to tolerate heat at all or so it would seem to you. Your appetite would be great though there wouldn't really be anything on you that would suggest such. Skinny hyperactive persona is a result of this event in turn.

    Then there is the pheochromocytoma people.... Then you have a tumour. You really don't want to be in that category.

    Again there are all those hereditary reasons for being all sweaty and all the time. Your receptors that are triggered to sweat could be faulty and cause of that they would have been for instance activated constituitively meaning all the d...n time. Or some feedback response being faulty leading to that same thing again.

    Altogether there are plenty of things that you can find as a reason for this. Just don't bother with any of them unless you feel sickish and try and become more active and do an attempt at changing the clothes that you were so that you are more able to ventilate yourself when walking about in school.

    Hope that you are able to get the idea that you needed about the course of things in and as to the concept of 'sweating too too much^^'!

    Good luck with managing it to your benefit & thx for reading my answer!

  4. i sweat loads too.... I HATE IT!

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