
Why do i vomit when drinking alcohol and not even drunk?

by  |  earlier

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if i have a couple of beers i vomit, then can drink another couple of beers then be be vomit again but i not even drunk yet.




  1. The liver can't take anymore than one or two beers, that's too much alcohol for your liver

  2. I am allergic to alcohol too..

    I get drunk if I get too much of it.. lol...

  3. may be you have stomach problem regarding alcohol or better visit to doctor or even worse happen than vommiting

  4. You might have and allergy to alcohol

  5. I'm supposing it might be like pot.

    You're body is allergic to the type of adrenaline rush that it gives you and your body feels it must rid itself of it.

    I know several people who are allergic to pot and as soon as they smoke they start sweating and have a need to pass out after they take a first hit.

    i know even more people who are allergic to smoking ciggerettes because their body just can't handle the nicotine rush... no matter how long they've tried...

    *who would WANT to become a smoker i'm not sure... but either way*

    And the same thing goes with caffiene.

    The reason children bounce off the walls with a candy bar is because their bodies have not had that kind of substance as a regular part of their diet.

    It might be because youyr body is not used to drinking yet.

  6. You could be celiac and have an allergy to grain.  Or you could be allergic to alcohol.

  7. You're sensitive to alchohol.  Don't waste money then! Drink fruit juice instead!

  8. Sounds like you could be allergic to alcohol or beer.  Don't bother drinking it if it makes you vomit.  Not a pleasant experience

  9. you could have an allergy, or , you are drinking the beers way too fast!

  10. Your body has a good immune system and recognizes it is poison, be glad you have it.

  11. your body is telling you somthing. don't drink

  12. ur stomach probably cant handle it..!!,

  13. maybe your just a light weight!!!

  14. You poor poor man.  I feel bad for you.  Try drinking fruity drinks to stop vomiting.

  15. I am not sure why, that happens to you, but one think is sure, you should stop drinking. Vomiting is not normal, listen to your body and stop drinking until you vomit drunk or not.

  16. you may be allergic to alcohol. it is pretty common that people can be allergic to beer.

  17. Your body is telling you that drinking alcohol is not good.

  18. You could be allergic to certain types of beer or liquor.  I've had some customers who ask me 20 questions about our different beers because he's allergic to many of them.  Try a different kind of beer, or try a different kind of liquor.

    You could also just have a sensitive stomach when it comes to alcohol, which is actually a good thing.  I'm sorry you're not getting drunk the way you want to, however, your body is smart in ridding itself of the alcohol as quickly as possible.

    Depending on how old you are your body could also just not be used to 'poisons' like alcohol.  Sometimes it takes awhile for your body to get used to it.

    If this is really a problem for you I'd suggest you see a doctor.

  19. if it happens to you with all brands then i say it is the alcahol

    do this look on the ingredients of the ones you know do that to you and try to find the ingredient that they all have. vodka is pure alcahol and water so if that make you barf than its alcohol doing it

  20. your body is trying to tell you something.

    see a doctor maybe?!

  21. You could have alcohol sensitivity.

  22. More than likely you have an allergy

  23. you may be allergic to alcohol, or beer if thats all you drink. it does happen. and you are not getting drunk cuz you are vomiting the alcohol back up. thats not cool. you should ask a doctor.

  24. ya ur body just wont except it

  25. maybe you shouldn't drink...

    or your sick.

  26. this happens to me with any alcohol drink, but if you take it a bit slower it should be ok, if you're feeling queazy dont have another drink until you're absolutey fine.

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