
Why do i wanna wear gloves when i stroake my rats? rat owners- this q is for you!!?

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every person thinks its good to wear gloves when you stroke your rats if they bite. is this ok if they are not tame? wouldn't they just hate you more? my female rats are not tame and i want them to like it when i stroke them and when i pick them up i dont want them to scratch me to bits just so they can go in the cage- this is what they do. they HATE it when i do these things




  1. wtf ppl have rats for pets wtf!!!!!!!!!!

  2. first of all you need to form a strong relationship with them, if you do this they will NEVER BITE YOU

    I have 3 rats and when I first got them they were INSANE but then I just kept picking them up more and more often, and giving them LOTS of yummy treats when they were they are wonderfull pets. :)



  3. Rats need alot of attention and playtime every day. I found the best way to do this is to let them run around on the floor in a room you can 'rat proof'. Make sure there is nothing on the floor they can bite into and get hurt. They are curious creatures and will run and sniff out everything. If you make sure to have treats with you as you sit on the floor with them, they may get used to you and come over and sit in your lap to get their treat. The only way to tame a rat and get them to trust you is to spend alot of time with them.

  4. Because rats are incontinent. They pee and p**p all the time. do you really want vermin pee on your delicate hands??

    i say a trip to a cat sanctuary is in order for these rodents.

  5. first to the answers above, dont be rude if you havent done research.

    It is not a good idea to wear gloves. They often have a funky smell which can scare any rodent. Making them mad and they will hate you for some time. And then they cant learn your scent. And domesticated rats are tame. Just some are un-socialized. Its best to pet them with your bare hand.

    Don't worry about biting. Rats are the least likely rodent to bite. And if they do squeak. It tell them "ouch that hurt" and they will stop.

    your rats will slowly become used to you. you need to keep getting them out everyday and soon they will become accustomed to you and will be very well socialized so they will enjoy being held and played with. if they are new leave them alone for a few days first and then work on socializing. other wise keep handling them. basically all of this behavior is caused by being ill socialized. email me if you have other questions!!

  6. Its probably a natural reaction as in the wild rats are disease raddled vermin, and although your pet is hopefully 'germ free' deep inside you just dont know.

  7. Well yeah if u don't want scratch marks then wear gloves i have rat my self she scratches me she hates being stroked so i don't bother i just hold her.

    You could wait till they are relaxed more what kind  of breed is your rats. Mine is an Dumbo Rat i think they hate being touched in their head so my rat likes its neck to be stroked lifts her head up and lets you stroke it on its neck.

    All rats with hate being stroked some where and some where on their body they preferred to be stroked!

    Best bit is wait for your rats is tired and relaxed that's best time to stroke the  rat when they are calmed

  8. put the gloves on and get hold and keep hold on a sofa or something, do this as manys times in a day as you can, I did it twic with a bad biter,  turned out one of my best boys, once tame chuck the gloves you won't ever need them again, it is on very rare occasions that a rat will bite it is his ultimate defence when frightened usually they would rather just run away, I have eight huge male rats, and I trust them 200% not to bite I put fingers through bars to give stokes, ect..when tame and trusting of their owner they make incredidbly loyal and loving pets,  

  9. domestic rats usually aren't diseased. the more you handle it the tamer they get. they have to know you are in charge so you have to be firm with them.

  10. you can't expect that those little rats like your giant hand immediately.

    What i did is you take some food they really like and place it on your hand and lay your hand in the cage. and than you wait and you wait some more... eventually they will check what's in your hand.

    1st they will get the food and run away with it.

    After a few times they will take the food and eat it next to your hand.

    Later they will eat it on your hand and than they know that your hand is nothing to be scared of and they will get on it even when you don't have food on it.

    i hope it will work for you and that i didn't make to much spelling faults :-) i'm from belgium

  11. well i cant hold one of my rats as he is too jumpy, and the first time he bit me, i was to scared to put my hand in his cage incase he bit me again. but ive heard if you show them your not scared then they wont bite you or if they do, it wont be a hard bite. try making you hand into a fist and place it into their cage and see what they do. they shouldnt bite you if its in a fist, then slowly uncurl your hand. i did this with my nervous rat and it worked, i mean he did nibble me, but i didnt pull my hand away, and then he just sat on my hand for a few seconds.

    email me if you have more questions

  12. It will take time, dedication and patience. Handle your rats every day and in time they will get used to you, gloves are irrelevant as without them the rats will learn your scent more easily. Don't scare them - don't move quickly with them in your hands, simply let them sit in your hand, climb on you, whatever they want.

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