
Why do i want a bf so bad?

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Im 14 and im like really sad all the time because ppl only pretend to be my friend to get sruff and go to concerts. So yeah dose anyone else feel like this? Oh and my mom heald me back in kindergarded so im still in 8th gread..




  1. You probably just want to love and be loved back.

    (not parental love, but one on a differnt level?

  2. I was fourteen and in 8th grade...

    How were you held back?

  3. I felt similar to how you feel when I was in 8th grade. I wanted a boyfriend so bad and dated as many guys as I could. I felt so sad all the time and thought that If I could just find the right guy who loved me then I would be happy. By the time 9th grade rolled around i realized that instead all I had wanted was to feel loved by my close friends and family. I know that there are good people and friends out there for you. You may not find them until highschool but  you will find them. :) (Also good friends dont care about the grade you are in or youre age.) Im only 18 but my best friends turned out to be 21+ :)

  4. Sounds like a self esteem issue. Then again at your age your hormones and the fact that so many other people are in relationships are making a boyfriend very appealing.

  5. BE yourself no matter what. Keep that in mind. NO MATTER WHAT! You are your own person and no one else but you matter.

    Try talking to more people and try tests on them (example: Hey I have JO BROS tickets) and if people just randomly come up to you, be warned. Be yourself and if that doesn't help just keep a diary.

  6. i don't think it's about wanting a boy friend

    i think it is about you feeling good about yourself and fixing your life around

    you don't necessarily need a boy friend for all that to happen

  7. You want a boyfriend so badly because you want someone to stop "[pretending] to be [your] friend to get stuff and go to concerts", instead you want someone to love you for you.

    Trust me, I am in 8th grade too and when I am single I have felt this way before, so I can completely relate!

    In truth though, you don't want a boyfriend in 8th grade. At least not until it can be more serious after you can drive and have more freedom. How lame is it to ask your mom or older sibling to drive you to a movie date? The answer is VERY!

    I really don't like being single because I love feeling that there is someone there who thinks about me every night and wishes they could be mine, who thinks I am gorgeous every single day.

    Honestly, boyfriends cause more drama than needed and 99% of the time they aren't thinking about you unless you are with them.

    Basically: You want a boyfriend so you can feel loved, but I'm saying it's not worth it.

    My email is on my profile if you need more advice (:


  8. when you say "ppl only pretend to be my friend to get sruff" since you asked abt a bf do you mean they pretend to like you to get s*x if so if you want a bf and you try to get on all guys are gonna do is just have s*x wit u and kick you to da curve if am way off point and thats not the case then start talking to someone you like. Be friends first and then built the relationship.

  9. ummm how does being in 8th grade have to do with wanting a bf?

    you prolly wanna bf because of hormones, and being accepted by your friends.


  10. You are a girl.

    That's why you want a boyfriend.

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