
Why do i want to be a teenage dad so much?

by  |  earlier

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am not going to but just wondeirng

also any guys ever been a teenage dad?




  1. im 15 and i am also deseperate to have a baby, have no idea why either!! guess its just hormones. i reckon i will have a baby by the time im 18 though! lol

  2. im a teenage mom and am with my partner, he was 18 when our daughter was born, 17 when i got pregnant! I don't think its a good idea to have a baby this young because there is so much to do in life that we cannot do now! dont get me wrong, we both adore our daughter, shes our pride and joy but i think sometimes i have to remind him that he does have the responsibility and cant run away or ignore the fact that shes here! He kind of expects me to do most of the work because he works! Which is ridiculous, but it just takes for me to mention it and he gets back to normal, its just hard to deal with sometimes... Ithink the mother is expected to do a lot more in the situation of being a teen parent....... they just need a kick up the **** sometimes! he couldve run the other way too!!! Were happy and thats what matters, I know either of us would never change a thing because we have the most wonderfull little girl that loves her mommy and daddy so much!

  3. the same reason I want to be a 15 year old mom. but I know better so I wont be one until I can raise the child properly on my own.  

  4. iono my husband said he wanted a baby since he was like 17 years old.

    and we have one on the way but he is 24 now.

    so you are not alone.

  5. Dont be a teenager and a parent. its so stupid

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