
Why do i want to eat a lot ?

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Why do i want to eat a lot ?




  1. You're thirsty, probably.

    Or bored. Occupy yourself with something. Take a nap, listen to music, exercise (after you exercise, you get this 'runner's high' and so you won't want to eat, at least for me).

    Try this:

    tap your temple ten times, tap your clavical ten times, tap the outside of your wrist ten times while rolling your eyes.

    It helps to take my mind off food.

  2. Me too.  

    I agree that the food we eat digest faster.

  3. don't worry;

    its  ordinary.

    I'm also a vegetarian and i have been constantly hungry since i stopped eating meat.

    the reason is because when you eat meat it;

    1. takes longer to digest

    2. fattens you up

    fruits, chips, pasta, ext. take less time to digest.

    which means you get hungry much faster.

    try eating filling foods.

    for example; eating a sandwich full of veggies will keep you full longer than eating a salad or a peice of fruit.

    im glad you are doing the right thing;

    ive been veg since january 4th.

    i feel much better mentally and physically.


  4. since i am also a vegetarian i also have the same problem

  5. hunger, boredom, you like it...?

  6. Do you eat diet foods, or drink diet soda? These things contain the highest percentage of additives that make you hungry, fat, and sick. Thank the FDA.

  7. because you want to look like me

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