
Why do i want to humiliate myself

by  |  earlier

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when i was 9 i was spanked in front of the whole class and when iwas growing up i used to be used to being humiliated by my mum or cousin and fro some reason i want to do this to myself next week im going to wear a pink frilly skirt black high heeled sandles with bright red toenails and make no attempt to disguise myself as a women and walk through a shopping mall and hope its really embarrassing




  1. This is not an attempt to humiliate yourself but a response you have favoured for the world of your question. It is common for children to pull faces as a show of their dislike, or a way of saying that this is how I think you look, I am aware of whatever bad you have, and therefore it cannot hurt me. There can be numerous interpretations for each of human behaviour, as a fact, just as many as many there are people.

    Something we behave rebelliously badly as a show of defiance, to show our dislike, or to disprove some authority or power, but it is also likely that by behaving in a way that we know is objectionable we externalise. This could be to safe ourselves from the hurtful opinions, views and treatment of others sinking in, what we would rather throw out I the open for all to see and realise.

    Then may be by treating ourselves the way we really should not we try to find a better person within, a person who we would like to be, a person who is stronger better than the person who we find ourselves to be at present.

  2. good for you

    but maybe seek some



  3. Well... I can see two explinations.

    One: Your not cool enough to be "Cool" so you do the next bet thing, Be the jester, the clown, the joker, or what ever you want to call it.

    Two: You just like it... kind of like BDSM.

    I'm hoping it's the first.  

  4. Perhaps your question would receive better responses in the psychology section.

    As long as it does not cause you severe problems then I do not see a that it should be cause for concern.

    I am no expert but I would say that you are seeking attention, perhaps you might feel a deficit from childhood that is still unresolved.

    Maybe your a middle child in a large family or something.

    Its hard to say for sure why exactly you crave this kind of attention, or why humiliation reinforces that need.

  5. ride with it, dude.

    confidence is where the cool is at - even the most extreme clothing will make no difference.

    arange to meet those lasses you know, and use the situation to get laid instead of embarrassed.    

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