
Why do i worry, all the time ?

by  |  earlier

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recently, well this year mostly I find myself worrying about the most stupid things. Like if I'm late for something, if I go the wrong way in the car, if I forget something. Basically I don't understand why I just can't be ... and not worry about things..

so I need some advice on how to not worry?

tips etc

or why i worry ?

many thanks





  1. Relax and ask yourself, 'after worrying, what?' You'll realise there is no

    need to worry unnecessarily. Don't happy.

  2. I used to be excactly the same. But then i figured, ' HEY! If you go through life worrying you won't achieve anything or have a good time!' I can't give you any better advice, i tell ya, that piece of advice is the best. Life is meant to be fun, if you go the wrong way, so WHAT? Dont worry, laugh! It makes you feel better! If you forget something, don't beat yourself up about it, just think, ' oh how typical of me!' If you are late for something, you can't turn back time, can ya? ENJOY YOUR LIFE! good luck x hope this helps!

  3. I was on the train yesterday and I couldn't open the door and there was 10 people waiting behind me wanting to get off as well!

    I didn't feel stupid, I just sarcastically apologised to them because it was just unfortunate that the door wouldn't open.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is just try and understand that at any point in time something will go wrong!

  4. omg i do it too....

    from experience i guess its cos your a control freak you want things to go exactly the way you planned it and if they dont you get all apprehensive and start worrying

    try and relax more otherwise you'll spend all your life worrying and miss all the little things...

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