
Why do illegal hispanics stay in the united states when citizens want them out?

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Why do illegal hispanics stay in the united states when citizens want them out?




  1. Think about how little they get paid here. Now think about all of the c**p they have to go through, actually risking their lives and the lives of their loved ones, to get here and work for people who won't do the work that the Hispanics are doing and then have the gall to underpay them and chastise them all at the same time?

    Mexico is a black hole. That's why.

  2. Most illegal aliens stay here because the money is good enough for them.  One thing I noticed from visiting many websites and first hand experiences with the illegal Hispanics, is that unlike many other legal or illegal aliens, the HIspanics seem to be much better at manipulating and ripping off the systems and using the " We are the victims of all whities" to get away with murder.  Not to mention getting the ACLU people to be on their side.

  3. Cause they forget that Mexico lost the Mexican War in 1848 and that the U.S. Government paid the Mexican Government for most of the Southwest in 1848 after USA kicked Mexico's butt, and in 1853 the USA bought more land off Mexico in what was called the Gadsen Purchase.

    Loads of illegals from Mexico failed to learn this part of history and think that use to be part of Mexico means still part of Mexico.

    Well my state Michigan use to be part of Quebec but my French-Canadian Great-Great Grandmother who was born in Ontario but descended from Quebeçois people, understood that Michigan was part of U.S.A. when she settled in, and she came in through the proper legal channels.

    To all you illegals from Mexico who come into the USA illegally and expect us to learn Spanish, learn to speak English, get out of USA and come back in according to the law of the Saxon eagle and assimilate under the banner of the Saxon eagle or stay out of Saxony (the United States of America), America is Saxony not Mexico (England gave birth to America, Mexico did not).

  4. real Hispanic American here to say....ILLEGALS GO HOME!

  5. Don't worry as soon as Calderon get rid of all the Drug lords I'll make sure we'll all go back, no body likes innocent people dying so just relax wait like 5 to 10 years and everything we'll be alright we'll be other there and you be here. oh and hey don't forget to visit us when that happens, see ya around neighbor

  6. Well, the illegal Hispanics and those that are not Hispanics too, don't care about what the citizens want

    Same as the citizens don't care about what the illegal Hispanics and no Hispanics want

    Enough ?

  7. Because they believe the citizens' hands are tied by law and they aren't going to be forced out.  In the mean time, the government is about to have a drastic change, regardless of who is elected.  That is the government's last chance, in my eyes to resolve this issue.  Otherwise, we take this issue on ourselves.  The illegals should hope the government helps them out of this country.  They won't like the way citizens handle them

    *Edit* We all know mexico sucks.  They need to fix their country.  Fight that hard to make their country better instead of coming up here to ruin ours.  I am sick of the "love they neighbor" c**p. "Illegal Immigrants have rights!"  Please.

  8. It's because it pisses people off.  Illegal Hispanics?  Ha!  It's worth it just to see y'all bigots make fools of yourselves on here.

  9. because they can, even though you kick them many times, they'd come and go

  10. Because life in Mexico must have been, really, really bad.

    Trust me, I live in Vegas.

  11. They think the government is going to protect them, but now the  American people have woken up and are insisting our government do something about them!!! They have no sense of morals or the law, they are criminals who feel the right to be here!!! They do not belong here under any circumstances!!!!! If they want a better country, stay home and fight for it as our American fore fathers did to get this country so great!!! Stop being cowardly and running!!!

    Report and Deport!!!

  12. why are you targeting a specific ethnic group?

    Mexico doesn't suck. If it did you wouldn't see almost a million of immigrants from all over the world arriving every year. 2million U.S. ex-patriots living in Mexico can't be wrong. Plus Mexico is the largest importer of BMWs and Mercedes.

    It just needs to take care of it's poor and native population.

  13. Because they have no sense of pride,morality,law etc.

  14. Well, for one not every citizen 'wants them out' and second, most of these families come here for work and once work is found it's hard to pack up and leave a good thing.

  15. because they can stay

  16. Not everyone that is ILLEGAL here in the United States are Hispanic some are Chinese, Japanese, African American and many more ethnicity's not just HISPANICS!!!

    This is suppose to be a FREE Country so why not let it be Free!!! Hispanics or whoever the h**l lives here are not bothering you at all... Let them be...

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