
Why do illegal immigrant supporters think US citizens can't mow their own lawn?

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I've been doing it for years.




  1. why do people against immigration think the issue is that simple?

  2. Because it's one of the few cards that they can play.

  3. Show me even one person who has stated that US citizens cannot mow their own lawns and then you will have earned a right to a reasoned answer to this question.

    Without an example, this is just a meaningless rant that destroys your credibility.

  4. Because they think that other people are as lazy as they are..

  5. That's funny. I have done it and my husband does it still now. The problem isn't so much the illegals though. It's why they are coming here that's the real problem.  

  6. many us citizens can mow their own lawns... just cant be bothered

  7. Laziness and the fact that society has changed. It seems as if young people are no longer taught to do chores. When I was growing up during the 70s, we did chores, one, because they were our contribution to the household and, two, so we wouldn't have to one day pay someone to do these simple tasks. By the time I was 11 I knew not only how to mow a lawn but how to cook, clean, and wash clothes. Today, in my own home I do all of these things for myself. I get along just fine without illegals. As far as home repair projects, I research these on line. You can find simple instructions for almost anything here

  8. I don't know why our own President said they do jobs "american's wont do"

    You'd have to ask him and countless others why they continue to parrot that lie.

    Anyone who hires illegal immigrants is a loser that cannot succeed in a competitve enviornment.  They are too incompetent to run a legitimate business and pay a prevailing wage.  These losers are also too incompetent to get a job, otherwise they wouldn't resort to "starting their own business" and manipulating/exploiting people.  End of story.

    "like my cleaning lady...."  many cleaning services and maids are legal citizens, if you're not using a service that touts this then you are basically letting a criminal come into your home to clean it........and paying them.

  9. We'd rather have someone else do it for us... like my cleaning lady. I can clean my own house but she's here for opportunity so I'm giving her a job!!! Somebody's gotta do it!!!

  10. Because they are lazy and assume everyone is as lazy as them. By the way we are NOT all immigrants except for the Native Americans. Our ancestors were immigrants, we were born here and native to this country. Even the indians migrated from somewhere.

  11. Cause alot of white people especially upper middle class or rich are lazy  

  12. Dude, have you seen my lawn?  It's like half an acre.

    You expect me to exert myself like that in this kind of heat?  

  13. That was a racist remark. Chill out.  We are ALL immigrants except for the Native American.

  14. huh? That has nothing to do with immigrants, they just want jobs and if the citizens don't want to do their own lawn it because they are lazy u.u.

  15. Becuase they're ------------------

  16. Don't let the liars worry you.

  17. Obviously because US citizens pay for it. DUH!

  18. I don't know any one who thinks that, but then, I don't know any "illegal immigrant supporters".  

  19. dont know

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