
Why do in all religion lay down sexual action to refrain?

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For example;when muslim take ramazam,they have to abstain from sexual action even though they get chance to take many wife.




  1. Well, In Christianity, Genesis 9:1, "And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth."

      Sure doesn't look like we're supposed to 'lay down sexual action to refrain."  I don't know about other religions, but since God created man and woman, and when He created them, He created them so their s*x organs would make them feel great when they were put to proper use.

    So, not ALL religions require us to refrain from making love to our spouses at any time. that a fasting time?  The 9th month of the lunar year...

    Remember, "Wal kazimin alghaiz, wal afina aninnas, wallaho yuhibbul muhsinin."

  2. Crazy I would guess. I'm not saying a person needs s*x to be happy, not by far. But it is one of the strongest human drives there is besides the drive to eat and drink.

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