
Why do indian men always look for fair skinned indian ladies as brides?

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when i was in india every indian man who invited me to their homes , even before i asked them about their families told me that their wives are white indian ladies

and then it was also the other way around. The indian girls i spoke to all wanted handsome , tall , fairskinned indian boyfriends with clean shaven faces and denim jeans who enjoyed english country western hits

why is that?




  1. I think they consider themselves to be more

    European in ways if the reflection of their skin

    is lighter or their childrens skin is lighter.

    So by marrying someone lighter , they can then

    fulfill their wish.  You notice a top actress and

    in India is quite light compared to what we

    distinguish as the average Indian Person .

    We forget as the World becomes more accepting

    of all cultures or rather our Western Countries keep

    telling us and force all nationalities in our countries.

    We actualy forget that their ways and religion are

    abseloutely quite different  from ours ..... this is when

    probllems can arise if two people meet say in Australia

    or America and one is western, The tradions in India

    some are still quite barbaric towards women.

    There is still a big "Caste Attitude" amoungest Indians

    themselves, i only just answered a question the other day

    from a desperate young man , whos future wife to be was

    been beaten everyday by her family because they did not

    want him to marry her.

    Westerners are so quick forget about this kind of thing

    going on and worse......only because those controlling our

    countries refuse to show us the truth !

  2. I agree completely with Wisdom Tormented .

  3. I don't think this really matters but my first guess would be is that some Indian men are more attracted to white Indian ladies.

  4. it's corruption of a nation, that's what it is. people in india have been brainwashed into thinking lighter skinned people are more beautiful, in fact this trend is happening in a lot of places around the world, and it's most likely to do the influence of tv, movies, etc.

    its really a shame. people of all coloured skin can be beautiful.

  5. I think it may be to keep the indian race light in colour otherwise they would be in danger of becoming very dark.

  6. because of the Westernization of India's media.  Bollywood imitates Hollywood.  This becomes the ideal -- whether or not it's right.

  7. I have also noticed the same thing. Most Indians from the North don't want to be associated with those in the South.Why, because the southerns are of a dark complexion. I believe there should be something more than just colour.may be talk of the dark complexion as not looking good or nice.

    In fact world wide, most people view white as beautiful or handsome, its quit difficult for people to accept that black can also be beautiful or handsome as well.

    And for Indians, i think it all stems from the cast system, where Southerners are considered of lower cast.

    Thanks for asking

  8. coz see, in india you mostly see dark skinned people, only some people are fair so as they are rare the indians always want  a fair skinned partner....

    they think that fair skinned are beautiful and attractive...

    this is exactly what i feel......

  9. Most other countries are very open about their racial and ethnic biases.  Not at all like the United States.

    In India and Pakistan, and most of the ME, the skin color, (white) is extremely important.  In the Muslim scriptures, it mentions how "white" Mohammed's skin was on three separate verses, so it was obviously important even back in Mohammed's time.  The Hindus are the same way with their caste system and upper class preference for white skin.

    China is the same.  Women all use umbrellas, gloves, and everything to keep skin as white as can be.

    If you watch the Kite Runner, you can see how ethnic minorities in Kabul are regarded.  It is really shocking to Westerners.

  10. Fair skin has been desired in most cultures for thousands of years. In India, especially in tropical areas, fair skin implies that you don't work outside; hence, you are wealthier. Even though most people don't consciously think this way anymore, the idea is engrained in to society.

    Fair skin also shows good breeding. Depending on where you are born in India, you have a better chance of having fair skin than dark skin, and if BOTH of your parents have fair skin...well, then, you have respectable parents from a respectable area!

    Many Indians don't personally mind if their spouse is darker in terms of attraction, because they may still find them physically attractive. However, they know about the stigma that darker skin can garner, and of course they want to please their parents by picking a "favorable" spouse and by having "fair" children. So a fair-skinned spouse wins out over a darker one.

    Westernization is especially common in middle-class areas. A common concept in Indian society is that a person who isn't up on the trends and can't dance is "boring" and "uncultured;" in your area it was western country tunes, but I've seen it change from area to area. In one it was "only warm-toned salwars are in," while in another it was, "you have to be able to dance the banghra." American society has this, too: certain traits, like a good job and a fancy suit, are more attractive than a low-paying job and a cheap outfit. has a very interesting thread about skin color in India, especially as depicted through Bollywood:

  11. The science of skin colour preference. At one time here in England the aristocrats to distance themselves from the peasantry, anointed their faces with mercury to whiten their ruddy complexions. The mercury eventually poisoned their blood and resulted in early death.

    In modern day labouring and toiling England a deep rich tan is a sign of affluence. It denotes foreign holidays and leisure time. Hence the eruption of tanning salons, three in each town.

    In India and other hot countries, workers and peasant living in the harsh midday sun, and thus s deep rich red colouring has negative associations and is ill considered. Indians are tragically and sadly infatuated with all things western as they symbolise affluence and popularity.

    Fairness usually means fair featured and sunny dispositioned.

  12. It has its roots in the caste system, in which the higher castes had fairer skin and the lower ones had darker.

    This is of quite ancient origin and probably stems from the invasion of India by fairer-skinned peoples from central Asia who then established themselves as the ruling classes.  Obviously to an extent this has happened with colonialism, but before that there were the Mughals (ie Mongols) who were fairer than the native Indians and if you go right back, the origins of the caste system are said to lie in the invasion of ancient India by the  fair skinned Aryans over a thousand years BCE.  The story of the Aryan invasion is quasi mythical (and a bit tainted, given what certain European political movements co opted it for), but historically highly stratified systems do tend to be the results of one people invading and subjugating another so there is probably some basis to it.

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