
Why do infants under 9 months don’t search for hidden objects?

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Piaget explained that infants under 9 months don’t search for

hidden objects because they lack knowledge of object

permanence. What is Baillargeon’s problem with this claim?




  1. Infants take time to understand that something they cannot see is still there, you know, peekaboo.  If you disappear behind your hands, are you still there?

    I don't remember Piaget's schedule, but my son figured this out at about two months, so that might be Baillargeon's problem...that at nine months most babies have figured out object permanence.

  2. because they're still to young to know anything except drink, eat, sleep and poo.

  3. When an object is hidden , they think its gone. They dont realize the object still exists, but is just in a diffrent place or " hiding"

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