
Why do it feel or is every job like this ?

by  |  earlier

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some ppl try to get you caught up at work. If they cant get you to gossip(which I dont cause Im too much into myself)they try and complain about the little things at your job, that is considered minor.

However they would bring it to the front and it won't be that serious. It's ppl like that at my job every little thing I do they trying to get me in trouble. and it's always something minor.

How do you think I should take it, or it's always going to be like this at this job, seem like the clients like me and I treat the clients very nice I mean real nice which my coworkers don't treat them that nice, but the other coworkers complain about me treating them to nice, so that's why they want to get me in trouble but why can someone explain their motives.

thank you.




  1. Unfortunately, there are idiots in every job, with few lucky exceptions. I just found this out the hard way myself. Live and learn! :)

    You can always switch jobs (or even careers) but the idiots will always be there, just wearing different uniforms and saying different things.

    My advice is also to simply tune them out and remain true to your values. It's obvious that you have more skill, talent, and knowledge than they do, and you can do the job better. You are doing the job correctly to the best of your ability, and they obviously cannot or will not, for whatever reason. Perhaps they are bitter, perhaps they hate their job, perhaps they feel guilty, perhaps they are jealous, no one knows for sure. Perhaps they are lazy and think more will be expected of them due to your job performance. Think about it...what kind of "professional" would complain about someone being "TOO NICE" to a client/patient?!

    If you are younger and/or have more education than them, this sometimes also can spark these sorts of issues with the older and/or less educated (read: jaded) staff. Again, it's their problem, not yours. Perhaps they feel threatened or embarrassed next to you. Or maybe they just don't like blonds/25 year olds/people who eat subs for lunch. With these types of people, they tend to complain about and dislike anything. Especially if they're the easily irritated jealous or "gotta be right" type.

    In the end, your work track record speaks for itself. The people you care for will be your witness. Maintain a good professional work attitude with management and clients, and focus on that. At the end of the day, know you did a great job, move on, and leave the idiots behind, where they will be stuck for the next 20 years of their career. Lucky for you, you can move past that.

    Take pride in your work, but be sure to be involved with things outside of it. It will help you stay positive.

  2. Unfortunately most all jobs are like this. You have so many haters out here in the world that people do gossip and hate and try to start stuff. It's really not about your job, it's about the way the world is today and people's attitudes towards other people.  

  3. it's pretty cut throat out there anymore.  people walk all over coworkers to help themselves only and do not care who they hurt in the process.  there's no such thing as job security anymore so people do whatever than can to make brownie points.  i suggest you keep a distance between you and your coworkers.  don't discuss anything personal that you wouldn't share with your priest, i mean keep it that broad.  be polite and keep thinking to yourself that you are the better person.  don't let it get to you or they'll tear you up even more.  good luck!

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