
Why do italians hate balkans zone inmigrants? ... why do spanish hate south american inmigrants?

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my favorites countries in europe are italy and spain... and I´ve read many things about them

italian people hates inmigrants from the balkans (albanians, serbians, croats, bosnians, romanians)

and spanish people hates the south american inmigrants (mexico, colombia, argentina, ecuador)


if they´re not muslims (exept the bosnians)




  1. Cause they're taking their jobs!

    just kidding, IDK I guess they're just fools  

  2. What??? I thought Europe was totally free from racism!! Ha!

    Well, I'm sure most Italians and most Spanish don't harbor any animosity towards these outsiders, but there have been enough incidents to demonstrate some less than welcoming behavior.

    Funny how Europeans claim that USA is so racist, but when "different" people show up in Europe, they are marginalized even more quickly.

  3. I would just like to correct you a bit. Saying that, for example, Italian people hate immigrants from Balkans is generality and is not correct. To say that SOME Italian people hate some immigrants would be more correct. Why they hate them? Do you think there is a rational reason for hatred? Like somebody who hates black people or Jews would have rational reason for it? Of course not.

    SOME immigrants are bringing with them their customs and habits which might look strange or innappropriate to people of the country they immigrated to.

    For example, architect or medical doctor from Croatia, who comes to work in Italy will not stick out too much and will not be too different than his Italian colleagues or neighbourhs. He is well educated, have decent income, speaks several languages.

    But the person from some Croatian village who comes to work on some construction site might be primitive and not very educated and such people have problem adopting to new rules, customs environments.

    Same would be with pesant of factory worker from Sicily (South Italy) who would move to Milano (North Italy) looking for better job. He might find himself also an object of someones hatred - he is poor, not educated and is "stealing" jobs from Milano people. Which is of course not true and is simply a prejudice.

    Hope this answer helps.  

  4. Iggnorance!!!!!

  5. The Spanish people don't hate anyone, you have the wrong information. If you have read about Spain you will know how warm & friendly they are.

    I live in Spain

  6. As usual, few people's bad deeds ends in everybody being blamed for them.

    And it also happens crimes committed by non-EC immigrants (some of the nation you mention became part of EU just recently) are often overexposed by the media.

    How and why somebody fall into a life of crime is an issue can be talked about, but that affect the way all people from the same nation are regarded as.

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