
Why do judges and politicians fear Jury Nullification?

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Why do judges and politicians fear Jury Nullification?




  1. Possibly something to do with vote rigging.

  2. Because it's take power away from them. Every time I get called to jury duty and bring up Jury Nullification I am immediately dismissed.

  3. It returns power to the people, where politicians want it all for themselves, and self-important judges are horrified at the thought.

    Last time I had jury duty I slipped several copies of a booklet on jury nullification in the stacks of magazines in the waiting room for potential jurors.

  4. Jury nullification as I know the term means a jury will disregard the judge's instructions in the judge's submission of a case to the jury and try to make the outcome of the trial the right thing in their minds.  In the 60s and 70s, people protesting the viet nam war would do acts of civil disobedience in violation of tresspassing laws and then try to argue to the jury that the moral certainty of their opposition to that war ought outweigh the weight of the Judge's instructions as to what constitutes tresspass and acquit them.  Legal scholars will argue that the rule of law is only as good as the certainty it gives the abiding community and thus, jury nullification is a bad thing.  This comment would apply to judges but I am not sure why politicians fear jury nullification.

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