
Why do karate people always yell, "KIIIIIIYYYAAAAAAA!"?

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Or some such.

And why do good looking women who play professional tennis, always seem to grunt. GRUNNNNTT!




  1. It's a Kihap. It releases all of the air in the body at once. This hardens the body in an instant protecting against attacks. It also gives more power to strikes and kicks. You're supposed to kihap when hitting and when hit.

  2. the same reason you grunt when you get out of a chair. the same reason a bear roars at you when he's charging. the same reason a snake hisses at you. or a dog growls. the same reason a weight lifter grunts or yells. the same reason a boxer has his "ush ush" etc.

    they shouldnt actually be yelling kiaiiii...even though its called a "kiai" (key eye) doesnt matter what you yell really. the important thing is to exhale forcefully. you dont have to yell. you dont have to grunt or groan. you have to "compress" the air.

    because air is energy. go run 5 miles and you will have no energy because you are "out of breath" yes?

    if you dont compress it, you will release it all at once and have to regroup your energy/strength before you can strike again effectively.

    it's a way of compressing and controlling your breath to realease energy/power in sudden bursts. thus conserving it as well.

  3. alright the real answer is it helps with the breathing because when they yell kiya they are exhailing the air from there body which controls their breathing and helps give their attacks more power. it's like when other martial arts fighters go tss each time they hit because it helps control the breathing  

  4. Karate people do that because it is a spirit yell which will keep you focused and your strikes powerful.

  5. 1. it builds up a positive energy which helps ease the pain...

    2. the ball weighs 100 lbs...

  6. I haven't known too many to yell kill ya, but yeah they do teach you to exhale hard and loud when you strike.

    It has been scientifically tested and proven that exhaling during exursion does inprove power. Hence the spirit shout as most martial arts call it when you strike and I am sure the same concept applies to tennis, football or whatever. Go outside and try it out for yourself. Throw a football or something and don't exhale as you throw and then do it a few times with a hard exhale as you throw. I'd be willing to bet you'll throw farther when you exhale really hard.

    As for why so many people make noise with it, there are lots of reasons, a lot schools teach you to say something specific others just want you to make enough noise of whatever kind for the instructor to know that you are properly exhaling with your strikes. Boxers do it to, the next time you watch a boxing match listen to them. They aren't saying words or whatever like some martial arts tech their students to, but they are doing the same thing.

  7. I saw it once at a dojo. They say that to exert more power into their moves. I also heard it lets out steam in a fighter.

  8. A kiai is nothing more then an exhale upon exertion, the same way a tennis player grunts when hiting the ball, and a weight lifter grunts when actuall lifting. What it essentially does is tighten your core when you tighten your stomach muscles to exhale, which stabalizes your body and gives you more power.

    It is also defensive because the time you are most open is when you are throwing a technique, so this tightens the muscles and allows you to take a hard strike.

    For Bunjikan Ninja- You never never release all of the air in your body. this is incredibly stupid. You should only release a portion of your air on eahc technique. If you release all of the air, then you have to take a whole bunch in, and I don't know if you've ever been hit while inhaling, (something i doubt since you are so misguided for someone with so much experience), it will drop you in a heartbeat, Better to take short little inhales, something you can't do if you breathe all of your air out.

    BTW have you registered yet?;...

    Don't want you to get in trouble or anything you lethal little Ninja you.

  9. exhaling gives power.

    it can also stun/startle your oponent.

  10. lol KIIIIIYYYYAAAAAA, i think its meant for power and also to scare the attacker or confuse them a little, i mean if someone punched u in the face shouting KIIIYYYYAAAA ud be a little scared/confused if u was fighting with them.

  11. it helps them release energy when striking. it adds a bit more power to their strikes.

  12. a couple reasons, 1. beleive it or not it gives you power, this is becuase the yell or kiaa focuses your energy(not talking about chi or anyting spiritual just good oll fashion power) into what ur striking,2. it helps u exhale which also helps increase power, as well as it makes getting hit hurt a whole lot less, thats why when guys get hit with bords they kia, 3. it scares the **** out or ur attacker, he wont no wat to do once u start yellin like that and makes hittin him and becoming the agressor so much eaiser, trust me on this iv been doing karate for 13 years now and instruct, iv also used this technique in every street fight and tournement with the exact effects i explained to u

  13. both mentally and physically your mind and body to accomplish many tasks it is known to the martial arts as "power"

  14. ENERGY....

    think about it when you yell dont u feel a force coming through ur body kinda

    well that force makes kicks and punches hit harder

  15. its a chi spirit yell which will keep you focused and your strikes powerful.  An gives the fighter power cause you realse the muscle tesion, meaning it makes the strikes harder.  Allows more focus.

  16. it helps you strengthen your moves. so you snap it out.  

  17. I"ve been doing karate for 7 years. The reason we ke iye is because it gives you power. It is a way of exhaling. Not all dojos make you ke iye, but you should exhale whenever you kick, punch, block, etc. Hope this was feeding your wonder !! :)  

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