
Why do kids always make the wrong comment at the wrong time in front of the wrong people?

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  1. cuz we dont know c**p at the time so eveytime is the right time =)

  2. Just how it is (:

    Hopefully we grow out of it.

    I just don't think about what I'm saying :D


  3. my friend does this to make other people feel stupid so she can feel more intelligent than they do, so she can prove something of herself in front of other people. i cant wait till i see her do this to someone a whole lot bigger than her. ill jut sit back, and watch! OOOOOH YEAH!

  4. I think it has to do with kids being innocent and honest. My daughter doesn't know any think when it comes to say someone being in a wheel chair, she will come up to me and ask about it out loud. Its not really a big deal but it is kind of embarrassing when she's asking about someone who is larger than normal, I just tell her everybody is different and people come in all different sizes. She never dwells on it and once its asked she forgets about it and runs off and plays.

    She did call a little girl who was darker in colour Dora, the mom didn't seem to pleased but what are you going to do? My daughter is 3

  5. cause they dont know any better. They are kids, thats what they do

  6. Because they don't think far enough ahead haha. I've said many things at the wrong time before and embarrased my mum to shame

  7. Kids are self-centered by nature and cannot think past their own mind and feelings.  They don't realize or care that what they think may hurt another person.  All they are concerned with is pleasing themselves.

    This is a common stage that children go through, but if it is reinforced and not corrected it COULD remain as part of their personality.  I say could because most children grow out of it.  It's only when the behavior is paired with other factors (such as intense spoiling) that it has a chance to remain. If the child continue to to think the world revolves around them past the point of the normal stage in life when it is appropriate to do so then, well, I'm sure you know what I'm getting at!

  8. I know! It's sooooooooo embarrasing!

  9. Because children are so honest and trusting. They havent experienced life and all the pain so they are just open with there feelings. It is endearing.Once life gets ahold of them and they get hurt a few times things will change, unfortunately.

  10. because they touch me and say i love you daddy over AND OVER

  11. because they are kids

  12. Kids don't know the difference between right and wrong time.  They know just how to be honest.  They call it like they see it and they don't have to be afraid of what comes out of their mouths.  That is the beauty of it.  All you can do is help them by recognizing the difference of being harshly honest and being rude.  They just need help.  We all have done this I'm sure.  You just laugh about it later or be careful of what is said in front of them because they pick up EVERYTHING!

  13. good question

    im not a kid but i always say the wrong thing. gets me in alot of truble =/ im sure adults do it too but they dont get disiplined for it. <3Q

  14. It's not just kids sweetie.  We all do that from time to time.  All you can do is apologize if you need too, and don't be too hard on yourself.  Lastly, is, understand when you see it happening to someone else.

  15. that what children do, I go by the rule, if you don't want your child to say something then I don't say it in front of the child! But of they do say something wrong don't discipline them and embarrass them, just wait till you are alone and explain to them what they said was inappropriate or hurtful. well I hope this helps!

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