
Why do kids eat bogeys?

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but never 'proper' greens like brussel sprouts, broccoli etc?

also traditionally practices by a group called ' men driving cars'




  1. hiya rick,its not just kids that eat bogeys,loads of times i have seen adults eating bogeys, whiles driving a car.  its yak.

  2. Everybody's doing it, doing it,

    picking their nose and chewing it, chewing it

  3. That snot funny, gag gag gag.

  4. because they are disgusting

    they have nothing better to do than to eat bogie's

    if they was hungry do why don't they go and eat food for example chicken x

  5. LMAO! I suppose each child has their different reasons, but my guess is the salt in the boogey, when they're young.

    Children are meant to experiement, and touch every part on their bodies, to learn about themselves. Telling a child no to doing this hurts them more then letting them find out about themselves.

    Let children examine things by themselves, they will learn what is right, and wrong soon enough. They don't need adults to scare them with nastiness before they grow.

    I never heard of anyone dying, or becoming ill from eating boogers.

  6. Some do eat vegitables, so don't generalize.  In answer to your first question they eat bogeys because they both crave salt at times as well as are hungry and the stuff in one's nose is easy pickins'.

  7. Isn't it a good source of protein? I thought I saw that listed as one of the foods you could eat on the Atkins diet

  8. Bogeys tastes nicer

  9. Kids eat bogeys because they haven´t developed a proper sense of disgust. They did an experiment where they filled a clean, never-used potty with apple juice and only kids could drink it without feeling uncomfortable. Then they made a chocolate cake in the shape of a poo. Same result. The sense of disgust kicks in at around 9 years of age. No idea why they don´t eat greens, maybe it´s something to do with the sense of taste being more geared towards sweet things - that´s why carrots are usually ok. Men driving cars? maybe they love their cars so much that they prefer to eat their snot than mess up their precious vehicle.

  10. They are practicing recycling.

  11. A pick a l**k a roll and a flick

  12. I suppose anything green is helping the environment, so let them have their bogeys and eat them.

  13. Speaking of kids. They are little & absent minded.

    They do things like that. We have all dealt with that.

    We where waiting for the red light to change.

    I looked over at the male driver in the car next to us.

    He was calmly picking his lunch & yup then his teeth.

    WOW, It was all so automatic. ~~~~~

  14. Cuz they think it's funny.... But it's SNOT!

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