
Why do kids hold their pee.......?

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when you know they have to go but they deny needing to go? 5 year old boy who is potty trained but began doing this after his sister was born.

Why does he do this and what can I do to remedy the problem?




  1. My son does this because he doesn't want to miss anything and he wants to be a part of everything.  

  2. I did this when I was a kid because I believed there was a wicked man in the toilet.

    Put a Nintendo DS tied next to the toilet.

  3. Kids hold their pee, it is very bad for health. We should encourage kids to pee, and let them know what is the consequences of holding a pee.

    What make kids hold their pee..?

    There are many circumstances that kids hold their pee. Mostly, kids hold their pee because kids have some interest things going on, for example, interesting stories going on, games, reading a story book, watching a children movies or even worst an horror movie, they afraid they miss the interesting part of the movie, so kids hold their pees.

    Beside this, some kids are shy,they afraid people are peeping their urinating. So, kids hold their pee until they reach home to release their pee. Parent should encourage kids to pee in the public toilet, and don't feel too shy to pee next to a stranger peeing to a cubicle.

    Your 5years old boy is a bit embarass when her little sister see him pee. You should help to release your boy stress and let him know that he should go to pee, close the toilet door and tell him that he can do his pee safely. Besides it, you should tell your 5 years old boy need to go to pee although the movie is going on, it is not good to hold his pee. You will tell him what he missed the part of the story while he is urinating.

  4. He doesn't want to miss out of anything and he's having fun. so he holds and holds and then ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!

    Just ask/remind him every hour and half if he needs go to the bathroom. Tell him to try to go anyway.  

  5. This is very common for children of that age.  They're totally absorbed in whatever they're doing and don't want to take time out to go to the bathroom.  So they hold it until the very last minute...or sometimes even longer than that and they pee their pants.  And yes, it may be very noticable they have to go, but they'll still ignore the urge.

    School could be another factor for this, especially if the child has a teacher who equates a child needing to use the bathroom as some sort of "punishment".  (I don't agree with this, but it happens.)  So, the child holds it and doesn't ask.

  6. Children have flighty attention spans. They'll focus on something very hard, then move on to something else. If they're interested in something, they won't want to drop that thought to go take a pee.  I learned this because I was telling a story to a bunch of kids and one of them was so interested he pooped his pants because he didn't want to leave my story to go to the bathroom.

    To fix this, try to encourage them to go as soon as they feel the need. Reward them for doing that.

  7. My son does this and he is 11. He says he just gets too busy and doesn't want to take the time. My daughter started doing this and when I asked her why she said because it hurts to pee. I found out she had a bladder infection.

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