
Why do kids in fourth and fifth grade have to learn about how babies are made?

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Why do kids in fourth and fifth grade have to learn about how babies are made?




  1. well, because a lot of kids now are getting pregnant younger and younger each year. they might as well educate them.

  2. Because 4th and 5th grader girls are getting their periods and because some of them are having s*x.  

    A parent can opt out of the classes.

  3. Socially speaking it is the parents who should answer WHEN their child needs to know how babies are made.  Personally I don't feel that public education in a school setting should start this young, but that parents should have covered a few basics starting at around this age, and build on those basics as the child develops and matures.  You want your children to have the information on hand before they truly need it so they are prepared for situations that may come their way.  Young people are more curious than ever these days!

    In responsible school districts a notice is sent home to parents prior to the educational seminar which allows parents to decide if they want their child to attend, be dismissed from the seminar or if the parent would like to be their with their child.  In school districts where this does not occur I feel it is an overstepping of the parental boundaries.  I am not saying that we don't need s*x education in our schools, but I am saying it is primarily the responsibility of the parents.  

    It is important for there to be social programs available for students whose parents do not take their responsibilities to heart, but there also needs to be sensitivity on the school's part when educating the children involved.

    In my opinion 4th and 5th grade is certainly very early, however, more and more children are becoming sexually aware at increasingly young ages.  While I was a nanny I had the horror of dealing with our little 5 year old boy who decided to have a romp with little Amy on the playground.  They ended up having intercourse because they were curious and experimenting... and thankfully the teachers caught them and called for the parents to be involved.  It is the one incident I couldn't handle personally while in that position.  I called the parents home for that one.

    It is important to teach children what they need to know when they need to know it, and no one can figure that out better than the parents.  For my currently young children I am finding that they need to learn basics of "that's a girl, that's a boy" then gradually as they get older they will learn more about the differences between each and what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior sexually.

    If you are questioning if your child is ready to learn more, find a way to learn what they already know.  You might be surprised!  Children absorb like sponges and its better for parents to be involved so they know exactly what their child knows and believes so they can guide them to make responsible choices.

  4. alrighty then, this might be TMI for you all but here ya  go: kids are having kids at that age, there, i've said it. if you are uncomfortable with the program, opt out, as others have said you can.

  5. I sure they don't have too, parents have a right to opt out of this kind of program.  Girls are maturing at an earlier age every year so the school may be trying to educate them earlier.

  6. Cause friends and parents tell em' duh

  7. It;s the parents choice...they dont have to!

  8. I dont know. I had one movie in fourth grade about the period, and the one in fifth about s*x! It wasnt new to me, because in fourth grade people were talking about s*x. But now, it still gives me the shivers any time i think about that movie.

  9. they're not supposed to until middle school

  10. I'm in fifth grade and idk why we have to but actully every body knows already. but we also have to learn about periods too.which really sucks because I'll be laughing the whole

  11. because even 15 years ago 11 and 12 year olds were getting pregnant. When I was in 8th grade a girl who lived in my neighborhood had her daughter over chrismas break...she was in 7th grade and it was her boyfriend's baby. I thought the ultrsound was her older sister's until she showed me her name on it AND her fat belly.

    Education is the key. this poor child had not even had a period yet. she had no idea that she was risking pregnancy by having s*x with her older boyfriend. If she stayed in school she would be a senior the year her daughter entered kindergarden. How wrong is that?

  12. They don't HAVE to; you can sign something for them to get out of class. However, I think fourth and fifth grade is a very appropriate age for them to learn about something like that. If you don't let them learn about it, they'll be ignorant.. and you'll only make it seem worse than it is by making it "forbidden". Besides, if all the other kids know what it is, why shouldn't yours? There's nothing wrong with learning about the natural reproduction process and understand it.. actually, there's a lot wrong with NOT learning about it.

  13. They don't have to.  All you have to do is sign the paper excusing her from the class for the allotted time.  

    The reason they offer it at this age is that they are ever trying to beat the grow-up game.  If we tell them in 12th grade, there might be a 9th grader that gets pregnant.  If we tell them in 9th, one will be pregnant in 6th.  If we tell them in 6th, there might be a 4th grader that gets pregnant.

    What they don't realize is that if we don't tell them at school at all, they will still find out but not likely until they are ready and want to know badly enough.

  14. Puberty is starting earlier and earlier and it's important that they know the facts of life before unfortunate things happen!

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