
Why do kids in honors English have to do summer work?

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Sometimes the teacher gives us four projects to complete in the three months we're supposed to be off school. I, for one, can't accept why they don't just do review the first few weeks of school. I mean come on, summer is like time off for teens, especially for the ones who have been working extra hard in honors classes.




  1. I have 5 essays, 3 books to read, and 40 terms to know and explain.  I chose AP English (previously mentioned assignment) over IB English because it was the most challenging English course at my school.  It isn't easier, but I want to learn more.  It all depends.  Learning is a process that doesn't stop during the summer.

  2. If you signed up for an HONORS class, you should have known that you would be expected to do MORE than for a regular class.  If you are intelligent enough to be put in that class, then you're intelligent enough to understand why extra work is necessary and how to budget your time to get it done right and get it in on time.  You KNOW why; you just don't want to do it!

  3. It's because they expect so much of us. I really don't like the summer work either but I can't complain. I'm the one that chose to take these classes and I have to take responsibility and finish my work. Your teachers are only preparing you for college.

  4. it's life.

    i have to deal with it, too.

  5. As everyone else said "It's Honors."  But, if it makes you feel better, know that at my school EVERYONE gets summer homework!

  6. Summer work is a bummer for us Honor students. But I know its good to keep my mind on track and not wonder off. Reading books and writing essays makes sure you don't fail in the first weeks of class.

    Make sure you do it, as the honor classes will benefit you for the rest of your life!

  7. It's honors. That's just how it works. They want to keep our brains in gear. plus, as an honors course, it goes at a faster pace, which means you dive right into the material rather than spend the first month reviewing.

    That's what you get for taking honors classes.

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