
Why do kids these days know more about stuff these days?

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Have u notice most kids from 13 and up know stuff that adults know? why is that?




  1. Several reasons.

    One: the media.  If you compare television programming that today's kids watch with programs from 25-30 years ago, it's shocking.  What is even more shocking is that many parents seem to either not think about this or not care about it.

    Two: literature.  Compare literature from 25-30 years ago with today's popular literature.

    Three: School pressure.  Kids today are expected to know more, at an earlier age, than ever before.

    Four: the Internet, but not just the Internet.  Lack of adult guidance while using the Internet.

    It's a shame.

  2. the huge awnser is media in general bc tv radio internet are all aimed at adults most of the time so there will be displays of adult content

  3. cause we see way way more of it when you where our age, and we get curious. so we need up going thinks and we have a baby. i guess what i am tiring to say is we want to grow up and to fast for our own good.

  4. Because we otherwise we encounter stuff that 'adults' encounter and we don't know what to do.

    Don't question it.

  5. I really haven't noticed that.  They don't seem to have manners, respect or regard for anything but themselves.

  6. I think people dont realize that kids that age aren't stupid. Maybe a few years back they didn't make it openly known that they knew these things.

    I also think they have a disrespect for authority. Parents want to over protect their kids which leads them into trouble or parents want to not punish their kids. It's like two different things but they all relate to the same problem.

  7. I know because my mom tells me and the bad things she tell me not to do when im growing up =]

  8. well, my kids know more "stuff" because we talk to them about everything and feel they are smart enough to handle even uncomfortable information.

    Not alot of parents, not enough at any rate, feel the same way so I think alot of these kids are learning from TV, the web and other kids.

  9. Hey, I am 15 and I know alot of things adults know because I was the oldest child and My mother was a single mother with three kids.So I was sorta like the "man" in the house.I helped out with everything and managed the finances.I was just good at it and my mom was always busy with work.So I guess you can say us kids grow up too fast due to family issues.Or it even could be because they just think they are grown uo already everyoe goes through that stage in life.I know I am still a kid, I just think like and adult!

    Hope I was A Help,


  10. Speaking as a kid these days, it's from school and the internet.

  11. either because their parents tell them or because they see it everywhere like on tele and on the radio etc

  12. Because they grow up too fast.

  13. LOL THEY DON'T!  Kids these days are far more ignorant that kids from previous generations.  They THINK they know everything, but that's part of being a teen.  Kids these days have been brainwashed by the media to think certain things, but in reailty, they've just been set up for failure - they've been set up to try to be adults too early when they aren't even developed yet.  I feel sorry for children growing up these days.  It takes a strong and intelligent and concerned parent to be able to deal with the ignorance that's being shoved down children's throats these days.

  14. Because, with the advent of tv and radio, kids are exposed to more.  This means that they need to have the talk at younger ages and they are exposed to drugs and alcohol at younger ages.  TV and Radio have opened up a whole new can of worms.

  15. kids are born in the 21st century, and they are more intrested in "todays" things happening now-a-days.

  16. well sometimes people think ur cool if u kno alot about thatkinda stuff

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