
Why do kittens purr?

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Why do kittens purr?




  1. GOOD QUESTION! this is a comon question, a purr is a sighn of afection and love, it means there happy or they love you. it is a sound that comes from  there throat area, it's not bad, it's not meaning there mad, it means they like you!

    Her answer is dumb...={ ^^^

  2. Purring is the cat/kitten vibrating their vocal cords.

    All cats purr - not just kittens.  It is a response to being content, but cats will also use it for self-comforting.  It is like a child sucking its thumb for comfort.  

  3. Noone knows.

    They have not even identified the part of the cat's anatomy that produces purring.

  4. Cats (big and small) are the only animals who purr. Contrary to popular belief, purring isn't speaking. Some people believe the sound comes from two membrane folds, called false vocal cords, that are situated in the larynx behind the actual vocal cords. Cats purr 26 cycles per second, the same as an idling diesel engine. Cats purr both when inhaling and exhaling, keeping the mouth completely closed, and only stopping to swallow. Kittens are born blind and deaf, but the vibrations of their mother's purring is a physical signal that the kittens can feel. It acts as a homing device, signaling them to nurse. Kittens begin purring at about one week old; then it's a signal to the mother cat that they're getting their milk and are content. Since purring is non-vocal, it doesn't interfere with the suckling. Contrary to another popular belief, cats don't purr purely for pleasure. Be alert: a deep purr can indicate that a cat is in pain or distress. Female cats will purr when in labor. Cats may purr in fear or anxiety. They will also purr in anticipation of being fed or stroked. Big African cats only purr in short bursts, but the house cat can purr for hours.

  5. It is said that cats purr because the blood is going into their heads when you pet them. They get happy and excited when you pet them, and their blood starts to flow through them a little faster. When they breathe while their blood is flowing quickly to their head, it makes a purring noise.
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