
Why do ladies dont eat much on their first dinner date?

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Whereas men normally gobbles everything on the table at ease? Heck they even use the toothpick and start digging their treasures openly.




  1. thats soooooo true!!!! lmao i have an old black and white picture of my mum eating a sandwitch ,on a date with my dad,the bite in the corner is so cute lol like a mouse has nibbled it! ;O)

  2. Out of nervousness, I guess.

    It is not like I'm trying to be modest or too ladylike, simply I'm not that hungry.

    But on subsequent dates, as I feel less giddy, I eat like I normally do.

  3. shhhh! don't ask la..shy la.

  4. IT IS to do with "first impressions" and trying to attract a mate

    you make up for it later with all your cakes and the like.

  5. My hairy girlfriend ordered full course meal on our first date. She finished everything. Even the leftovers on my plate!

  6. *cough* *cough* Men are made that way. They can eat A LOT!

    I'm a light eater. Plus I don't eat after 6. And if I have to, I'll ask for salad and soup.

  7. I guess they're overly self conscious. I personally eat the same amount as I would with my own family, and to be quite honest, It would  be pretty shallow to be judged on how much you eat when you're out with a person.

    I really despise when women pretend they only eat light food, when you see them secretly scoffing mcdonalds and devouring a huge chocolate bar and deny it.

  8. My first date, mmm... let me remember.. I think i finish my whole plate of nasi goreng. In fact i always finish my meal (without fail..). More like a habit.

  9. they probably are watching their figure or they're luvin you so much they don't want to eat

  10. You obviously have'nt been out dining with me lol.

  11. Women are nervous that the guy won't make a pass. They don't necessarily want to accept, but it's mortifying if the guy doesn't ask, you know?

    Men eat in order to encourage their date to turn down the pass. It's much easier on the ego if she says no right away than if she waits until he's undressed - especially if she points and laughs - and much much easier on the ego if she interrupts things, saying let's stop.

    If you want to eliminate this mortifying situation for both parties, suggest to your date that you crawl under the sheets first, and then go out to eat afterwards, when you're both happy and relaxed.

  12. Because we are taught that it is not "ladylike" to eat.  (or go to the bathroom, or burp, or "toot").  We are trained to behave like human realities are not polite.

    Harkens back centuries where women strived to have 13 inch waists and hide their bodies.

    BS, it is.

    Most men I have known find it very refreshing to meet a real women who is not afraid to be a real human.

  13. Its weird. Every girl I went out with ate a lot. And most of them led to fruitful relationships.

  14. Women gets nervous and worry about dropping food down them, not liking what they ordered, knocking there drink over. As the first impression really counts on the first date and they want there man to like them.

  15. They want to appear demure. Maybe theyre nervous.

  16. No, I think that the girls/women are just shy on their first dinner date.

    That is all.......ask me? hahaha.......not anymore!!! lol.......

  17. Yuna - I think those above me who say that it is deemed unladylike to gobble food, in general society thinks that way so it is better to play safe in case your date is conservative.

    For me, I eat according to how I feel - if hungry and the wallet permits, eat want I can afford la. I drink too - but not until my brains are incoherent. Toothpicks? A no no on dates - go to the washroom instead.

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