
Why do leading republicans believe AGW is a real problem, when the conservative voter base seems . . .?

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adamantly opposed to reason, logic, and anything scientific in nature (this includes AGW)?

Is it because they know AGW is real, and they realize if they don't at least admit it's real they will go down in history as the people who either did, or nearly killed our planet?

I mean, it's obvious denying AGW would, if anything, only gain them votes.




  1. All three candidates now running for office support global warming issues, but as you said, “maybe its just to get the votes”, you may be right about that.

    The other side of the coin is that many people are becoming rich over global warming, and I don’t think that they all believe in it. In fact I would go as far to say that many people who are heavily invested in global warming, think its junk science.

    Conservatives do trash global warming because its obvious that the science in it has as many holes it as a slice of Swiss Cheese. Many who don’t believe in global warming are not running for office nor are they getting rich over this hoax.

  2. There's very little difference between republicans and democrats.  They are all pro big government spending. Only conservatives still hold on to their principles.

  3. First of all, McCain and leading Republicans know they're facing a real contest this time out.  So they may be appealing to the whole nation they're elected to lead, not just their party.

    Second, America has lost face throughout the world, and acknowledging global climate change as a serious problem is putting us in line where we should have been by now, where we need to be in order to bring China to the table.  (My opinion).

    And finally, I think leading Republicans want to distance themselves from Bush, because an awful lot of voters have had enough of that.  Bush came around publicly way too late in this game for anyone to give him much credit for doing so.

    I expect the turnout to be high for this election.  Exceptionally high.  And as you say, who wants to go down in history as the leader who helped kill the planet?  Besides, I'm sure leaders are working on the appropriate rhetoric to bring some of their voter base around.

  4. AGW? please explain the acronym

    AGW Access Gateway

    AGW Accident Generated Water

    AGW Actual Gold Weight

    AGW Actual Gross Weight

    AGW All Going Well

    AGW Allowable Gross Weight

    AGW Alt.Games.Warbirds (forum)

    AGW Anganwadi Worker (India)

    AGW Anthropogenic Global Warming

    AGW Application Gateway (telecom)

    AGW Art Gallery of Windsor (Ontario, Canada)

    AGW Atmospheric Gravity Waves

    AGW Automatic Girth Welder

    AGW Autonomous Guided Weapon

    AGW Audio Gateway

  5. It's called pandering.

    When the computer models actually correctly predict something, the conservatives might be less skeptical.

    In the meantime, North American temperatures have flat-lined, are still below that of the 1930's, solar max has just about peaked, and global warming believers explain that the Earth will cool in the the next 11 or so years, a situation no doubt caused by man-made global warming.

    Go figure.

    We must all stop ManBearPig.

  6. Because the majority of conservatives accept the scientific consensus on AGW.;...

    It's really just the most right-wing fanatics who refuse to accept the reality of the situation.  The Republican presidential candidates knew that not only is denying AGW a scientifically ignorant position, but it's not even one that would help them with the majority of their voting base.

    Don't let the loudmouths on YA fool you - they're in the minority even among their own political party members.

  7. If GW is real then when is it going to warm up?

    I'm waiting!

  8. Hey, wait a minute! It is LIBERALS (a.k.a., Democrats, Communists, n***s, etc., etc.) that are adamantly opposed to logic or reasoning.

    That's what it means to be "liberal"; you don't believe in any thing tried and true.

  9. Trying to get climate skeptics to see the cognitive dissonance in their intellectual positions is like trying to get Donald Feith to acknowledge that in hindsight it might have been a good idea to plan the Iraq War a little better.

  10. Republicans are unlike liberals who have clown avatars and expected to be taken seriously.   Or they talk about science they don't understand and vouch for it.

    Leading Republicans are smart enough to not follow your lead and put their feet in their mouthes about this topic.   In twenty will be they who laugh and mock you,  just as these same people in the 70s, said we were heading for an ice age...

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