
Why do leaves have different colours in the autumn?

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why the colour of the leaves changes if the season changes....

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  1. Leaves are green because of chlorophyll - when the chlorophyll dies in the fall all the other colors can be seen,

    See link below for more detailed answer.

  2. It's is because of the pigment chlorophyll found in leaves. It is what makes leaves green. During the fall the chlorophyll dies exposing the other colors of the leaves, like brown, red, orange, and yellow.

  3. it depends on the season its like a trees feeling or a dog shedding then it looks more beatiful

  4. In autumn weather starts getting colder. Cold conditions are very unfavourable for certain plants. Therefore in autumn the plant breaks down its chlorophyll to conserve energy. Once the chlorophyll is broken down the green colour in the leaves is lost. The remaining orange colour is due to carotenoid pigments in the leaves, which the plant is not capable of removing fully. By doing this the plant can survive by remaining dormant through the winter.

  5. Clorophyll is the main driving force when the plant is making food through photosynthesis.  During Autumn, the sun is out less, so therefore less photosynthesis is taking place.  The plant will take that clorophyll and break it down to use and store energy to survive until the sun comes out again in the spring.  Since there is no clorophyll, which is green, the plants will lose their green color.

  6. Many changes occur in the leaves of deciduous trees before they finally fall from the branch. The leaf has actually been preparing for autumn since it started to grow in the spring. At the base of each leaf is a special layer of cells called the "abscission" or separation layer. All summer, small tubes which pass through this layer carry water into the leaf, and food back to the tree. In the fall, the cells of the abscission layer begin to swell and form a cork-like material, reducing and finally cutting off flow between leaf and tree. Glucose and waste products are trapped in the leaf. Without fresh water to renew it, chlorophyll begins to disappear.

    The bright red and purple colors come from anthocyanin (an-thuh-'si-uh-nuhn) pigments. These are potent antioxidents common in many plants; for example, beets, red apples, purple grapes (and red wine), and flowers like violets and hyacinths. In some leaves, like maple leaves, these pigments are formed in the autumn from trapped glucose. Why would a plant use energy to make these red pigments, when the leaves will soon fall off? Some scientists think that the anthocyanins help the trees keep their leaves a bit longer. The pigments protect the leaves from the sun, and lower their freezing point, giving some frost protection. The leaves remain on the tree longer, and more of the sugars, nitrogen and other valuable substances can be removed before the leaves fall. Another possible reason has been proposed: when the leaves decay, the anthocyanins seep into the ground and prevent other plant species from growing in the spring.

    Brown colors come from tannin, a bitter waste product. Other colors, which have been there all along, become visible when the chlorophyll disappears. The orange colors come from carotene ('kar-uh-teen) and the yellows from xanthophyll ('zan-thuh-fil). They are common pigments, also found in flowers, and foods like carrots, bananas and egg yolks. We do not know their exact role in leaves, but scientists think they may be involved somehow in photosynthesis. Different combinations of these pigments give us a wide range of colors each fall.

    As the bottom cells in the separation layer form a seal between leaf and tree, the cells in the top of the separation layer begin to disintegrate. They form a tear-line, and eventually the leaf is blown away or simply falls from the tree.

  7. The colors are already present in the leaves but you can't see them due to the green chlorophyll masking the colors. In Autum it loses the pigment chlorophyll so you can see the colors. Cool nights generally lead to brighter colors in Autumn. Warmer nights less colorful Fall foilage.

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