
Why do leftist liberals hate fox news so much?

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For starters, its on cable you actually have to pay for it. Second there are like over 100 channels on cable and the remote can be programed to ignore the channel. They CLAIM (ha ha) to support free speech. They claim to support/encourage dissenting points of view.

Why all the hate?




  1. They don't believe in free speech unless it's speech that they agree with it.  Otherwise, it's hate speech; because they hate it.  Now with the fairness doctrine, which 60% of Democrats approve of, they want the state to control the media, even though it is specifically prohibited by the constitution.  In that case, they think the constitution only applies to the media sources that they agree with.

  2. My problem extends to all cable news networks... at some point they all decided to take "compelling" video and work backwards to a story.  I don't know if the genesis of this was Jon Benet Ramsey, but I was certainly furious when Larry King admitted that without the video of her dancing there was no story.

    Sean Hannity is a fallacy-ridden joke, but if someone wants to listen to him editorialize an extremely parochial version of reality, that's their choice.  He's done for the word "unrepentant" than any in history.

    But again, whatever issues I have with the news wing of Fox's slant, pales in comparison to how trivial the stories are that they and all cable news networks devote time to.

  3. Becaus eits the only media out lit that is not biased (unlike all the other) so like they always do when it doesn't go their way they hate it.....jsut typical liberals....

  4. they dont like any thing that dont have a liberal bias.

  5. Because it is minute by minute and they have not figured out how to hush it before it is broad-casted all over the place, they do want to squash their mistakes way before the world learns the truth .  Wanna see the stuff they like watch channels  that run Oprah and Dr Phill.  

  6. I don't know you but I hate being misinform. Ironically the reason we are in Iraq.

  7. Lying is not considered a valid dissenting point of view.

  8. I don't hate it.

    I just don't watch it because it oozes so much BS.  I prefer to think for myself and do my own research rather than gobble down the so called 'news' from mainstream media.

    Free speech + lies + stupidity = the average American.

  9. Because they love THE TRUTH.  Faux News.

    For example:  facism is a FAR RIGHT economic system where the CORPORATIONS run the government.  But, Faux News say... it's far left.  It's not.  That's a lie.  Faux news is most appropriately named because they lie, lie, lie.  It's been proved over and over, and yet, somehow, some really uninformed people continue to call it news.

  10. A liberal loves dissenting opinions so long as they agree with the liberals dissenting ones.

  11. Leftist liberals hate fox news so much because they can't handle the truth.  

  12. They lie, distort and just are a bad news station.

    I think it's the lies that bothers me the most.

  13. I do hate it.  And yes I support free speech.  I know complex opinions are difficult for Republicans to grasp, but that doesn't make them invalid.  I spent over a decade in uniform defending this country and the right to free speech has always been important to me.  Just because I am willing to lay down my life for your right to say what you want, doesn't mean I won't hate you for calling me a traitor.  

    FOX news anchors and guests have called me a traitor and accused me of treason again and again, even while I was serving in combat, just for having an opinion other than theirs, and most of the people who did so never had the REAL patriotism to serve themselves.  I will always fight for their right, but I will hate them for the way they exercise it.

    I really do hope you understand that.

  14. Because Fox News was the first that made the effort to bring us fair and balanced news. I will agree that they are not perfect, but right now it is the best we have.  

  15. Because they cant control Fox, And the truth hurts

  16. They can't stand that both sides are being shown. They only want to see the leftist point of view (fascism)

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