
Why do legislators in closed record states consider all adoptee's children?

by Guest32242  |  earlier

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In reading the AP press release on the ongoing fight for senate bill 0592 in the state of MI the reporter refers to adopted children. Do the legislators not know that children grow up and become adults? Is this the view that is holding legislation back in obtaining open records? If it is, then what can we do as concerned citizens to change that opinion?




  1. The term adopted children refers to that as adopted parents, you adopt a child, regardless of that person's age.  When you are 50, are you still not your parents' child?  It's just a term.  Has nothing to do with age.  

    What would you rather?  Adopted person?

    The closed records are not to punish the child in any way.  It is to protect the person who gave that child up for adoption.  Some people have a child and are completely embarassed about the fact that they were pregnant at 15.  Maybe they go on in life and never speak of that fact again.  You get a new family, have other kids and raise them well.  Then out of the blue, your life is destroyed by the fact that you "lied" to your spouse, your children, and everyone in your life because you omitted this detail from your past.  Not everyone accepts the fact that some people give their children up for adoption.  

    I could see how abortion rates might rise if it was no longer allowed to seal your records.  People would have a great fear all their life that their lives could be ruined by a child searching for their past.  If closed records weren't a possibility, then no one would come looking after an abortion.

  2. It would appear that way - wouldn't it?!

    Completely ridiculous - in my opinion.

    Forever children.

    Australia has been treating it's adoptees like adults (once 18) since the early 1990's.

    Crazy that the USA can't open their eyes to how discriminating closed records are for the adult adoptee.

  3. If people feel a child they gave up for a adoption might some day show up at there house 20 years later, they may be more likely to chose abortion.

    Your birth parents never need be a part of your life. Give your love to the people who raised you.

    I understand has a parent(non biologically) of a child i am trying to adopt that my opinion is affect by the role i am playing in the abortion process.

  4. I don' t know if they do this on purpose or not, but it drives me crazy.  Legislators, newspapers, you name it -  we are forever children in people's eyes.  You are right...when do we ever get to grow up?  It's infuriating!

  5. Adopted citizens are perpetual children, and their burfmommies are perpetually 16.  That's why they have to protect us from each other.  We can't handle our own relationship matters like adults.


    Duckfish has no knowledge of the reason for or history of sealed records.  Protecting the identity of birth parents is NOT the reason records began sealing in the 48 states that ultimately sealed them.  In fact, when a person gives a child up for adoption, the record does NOT seal.  That's correct.


    Therefore, it's got nothing to do with birthparent identity.  Records only seal upon the court's finalization of an adoption.  They unseal if the adoption fails.  Sealing the records has to do with the adoption, not the relinquishment.

    Oh, and in states that have reopened records, there has been NO, that's right, NO increase in abortions.

    People need to understand that denying ANYONE equal treatment under the law simply because the person happened to have been adopted is discrimination.

  6. i agree with you that the state of michigan is ( at least in my own experiance) in a state of denial... i say this because when i try to get my mother and fathers medical rec's so i can compaire them to my daughter's medical rec's. the state is there to stop me at every turn... but on the other hand they never had a porblem taking a portion of my paycheck or refusing to let me join the corps. did you know that if someone is a foster kid ( even if they are 17 and have graduated) and they want to enlist in the armed forces it has to be approved by a judge. there was something in the news a few days back where a judge knowingly kept a foster kid in an unhealthy enviroment because he wanted to join the army and she ( the judge) wouldn't let him because she was against the war....


  7. Any time the "majority" wants to keep the "minority" in their place, the "majority" treats them like idiots, second-class citizens, weaklings, and/or children (I'm sure I missed a few).  PUKE!!!!!

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