
Why do liberals call Bush "Dubya"??

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What is "Dubya", and what does it mean??

I have noticed that liberals are sometimes using this to play around with Bush's name or to insult him. I am not a fan of Bush myself, but then I am not a fan of this name calling either.




  1. Umm... that's a nickname that his supporters and Republicans gave him a long time ago. It's not a "liberal insult."

    As for where it comes from, I suppose someone who pronounces nuclear as nucular probably pronounces W as Dubya.

  2. I'm a Bush supporter, and I've called him "Dubya", especially in his first term to distinguish him from the other President Bush.  It's just his middle initial, nothing to get upset about.  I even noticed people at the Republican National Convention 4 years ago holding up "W" signs.  Not a big deal in my opinion, but maybe the liberals mean something more derogatory.

  3. Because they're have been two President George Bush's and the current one is George W. Bush.  Liberals stay forever like 4th graders.  They love childish nicknames.  McSame.  

    And Redneck.  They're supposedly the Tolerant and Enlightened party.  :-)

  4. W

  5. To distinguish between Bush #1 and Bush #2. How do you pronounce "W"?

  6. That would be redneck for; W.

  7. Because his dad was George Bush also, who was also president, so to distinguish between the two they call George W. Bush "Dubya" for his middle initial.

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