
Why do liberals celebrate and support 15 yr old Jamie Lynn Spears but attack Bristol Palin ?

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for choosing to have teh baby and marry it's father?




  1. Last time I checked Jamie Lynns MOM WASNT RUNNING FOR VP............

  2. What?! I'm sorry.. what are you referring to when you say "liberals celebrated and supported 15 year old Jamie Lynn"?

    And reading some of these vile comments about "democrats" based on this stupid question, which has no basis in fact, is quite disturbing.

  3. Why are you even surprised?  Hasn't there always been a double standard?  Wake up and see society for what it is, then move on.  Do the best you can to survive.

  4. They're not attacking Bristol...They're attacking her supposed ultra-conservative mother who preaches abstinence until marriage...oops...

  5. It's called a double standard...

  6. Jamie Lynn Spears is an actress. Palin is running for vice president of our country. I don't care at all anything about Spears. I don't celebrate her or care -- but, unfortunately big names attract big money and she is a child celebrity with all the stuff that entails. Palin is an entirely different story. As far as I'm concerned her daughter can do anything she wants but, I'm just not interested in supporting the kid's mother for vice president. I thought the whole idea from the right was that premarital s*x was wrong -- so I just don't understand how someone who claims to represent the religious right can face them at all if she has a pregnant teenaged unwed daughter.

  7. There is no double standard.  Sarah Palin is anti-contraception and wants to limit access to birth control and condoms.  Her daughter's teenage pregnancy is an important issue in this debate because it is the Republican's position to limit access to birth control pills, condoms, and abortions for women and use only abstinence as a method of birth control.  They want to introduce legislation that will make it harder for any adult woman to gain access to birth control methods.  As you can see, Palin's daughter is an example of the increase in teen pregnancy since GWB took office and introduced his abstinence policy of s*x education.  So, this is the RESULTS.  Do you want this for yourself or teen in the future, too?

  8. I never supported Jamie Lyn Spears.  You don't want to know what I had to say about that one.  I am a democrat. BTW--democrats don't think all pregnancies should end in abortion, that is nonsense.

    EDIT:  Well brightness, if you take away condoms AIDS will spread like wild fire.  Aids has nothing to do with being promiscuous, it only take s one time and many people have gotten AIDS through transfusions.  Get your facts straight and stop blaming diseases on Liberals.  Do you really think republicans don't have s*x?

  9. They have always had different standards for themselves. Its called leftest pathology.

  10. i always though jamie lynn was a slvt and so is Bristol. helloooo they hang out together! didnt you hear?

  11. Liberals always celebrate the socially diseased in society. It's their way of "getting even" at conservative traditional values.

  12. OK Lib Slayer. Put it away before you hurt yourself. There wasn't a lot of support from the liberals for Jamie spears and no one is attacking Bristol Palin. This are a lot of questions regarding the abstinence only stance taken by her mother, but that is in no way an "attack" on Bristol. It's questions like this that make conservatives look stupid.  

  13. Jamie Lynn Spears is not the daughter of McCain's running mate.  

    Democrats think it is useless to uphold standards and morals in government because we are all human & it's not fair to make people uncomfortable.  

    Because Palin actually believes in morality, she gets attacked by Democrats every time someone close to her stumbles (kinda funny considering they actually defend the scoundrels that Obama chooses to surround himself with...).

    If Obama had a daughter who was pregnant, the Dems would shower her with love saying that she was driven to this be the pressure the republicans have been putting on her father...

  14. Because anything and everything they can do to get ahead there gonna do it cause there democrats.

  15. because Palin's aggenda is "being single before marriage", "anti-abortion", "giving father to child" etc etc etc.


  16. ummmmm Jamie Lynn Spears is a white trash w***e from red state Louisianna.   Britney is a w***e and votef  for Bush.    Jamiel Lynn is w***e but she is too young to vote.   Red Necks love this sort of thing.  

  17. I don't attack children.  And right now, the double standards seem to be the republican/conservatives agenda.  We are supposed to buy into their claim that dems/libs are immoral and , but since it happened to a conservative's family, it's okay, because "everyone makes mistakes" now.  

    Add:  LOL, most of these answers just back up my point.  Conservatives think they are the only ones with values and look down their nose at Liberals.  I am sure this girl was not forced to do what she did by Liberals.  If Conservatives were so much more moral than anyone else, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    Edit - That is soo true Mike!

  18. Double standards and hypocrisy abounds!

  19. Jamie Lynn Spears and Bristol Palin are both White Trash s***s.


  20. People attacked Jamie Lynn as well . Didn't she lose her Disney show?

  21. I haven't seen either happening. What I do see happening (right here) are a lot of unfounded generalizations and people who can't spell agreeing with them.

  22. Within your question is your answer.  Liberals do not attack Sarah Palin's daughter but the hypocrisies of the far christian right republicans.

    Time after time we have seen them restrict rights, insult and demean homosexuals, when they are g*y themselves.  They label single women that the have s*x, promiscuous and without moral responsibility.  They pass legislation to have Viagra be covered by medicare, but not birth control pills.  They preach christian conservative values, only to be caught in bathrooms or a prostitution ring for s*x.

    The hypocrisy belongs to you, own it.

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