
Why do liberals complain about the media consolidation that their beloved Death Tax creates?

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"Of course, the estate tax is also what has forced the sale of so many family-owned local newspapers to the "media giants" that liberals who love the estate tax now deplore. Those rare papers that are still family owned know the death tax is a threat to their longevity. Seattle Times owner Frank Blethen has made the issue a personal crusade as his paper competes with the Hearst-owned Post-Intelligencer (which unsurprisingly favors the estate tax in editorials)."




  1. (1) There is no such thing as a "death" tax. Since 100% of us die, it would only be a death tax is the % of people paying it was close to 100%. The actual % is more like 2%.

    (2) There are many protections in place for cases when the estate consists of the family farm, family owned restaurant, etc. which do not apply to estates consisting of rare art, fine jewels, personal watercraft, etc.

  2. oh, no!  you did not give this phony excuse, again!

    there is number of solutions besides selling it to the big  conglomerates, but you do not want to look at them! how many examples like this are there?  two more , three?

  3. Ha-ha; thar ya goe agin bodderin' dem "libruls" wid duh fax!

    You do know that this kind of behavior will get you reported, don't you?

    The Audacity of Audacity! '08

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