
Why do liberals dislike Hannity and O'Reilly, but believe Matthews and Olbermann are legitimate journalists?

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Why do liberals dislike Hannity and O'Reilly, but believe Matthews and Olbermann are legitimate journalists?




  1. Any sensible person can make the conclusion that most of these networks have their own Ideology agendas..... However, I do think MSNBC is going over board and that's why they have the lowest ratings in cable news.

  2. H & R  in only in only a few minutes of listening say they know what liberals think, want and do, M & O allow for evaluation. Most liberals think Hannity and O'reilly are a$$oles

  3. Olbermann is virtual Liberal-opinion columnist far more than journalist, though he is good enough that you can see it comes From having had some good journalism at some point.

    Oberman is very good, but even for liberals, the bias is occationally a little unnerving and unneccesary.

    but he goes off topic, when for a few minutes he isn't critiqing his disfavored politic of choice at all. It's a good show (for liberals).

    But Matthews is virtually all journalistic integrity without advocating personal opinion as any opinion column is meant to. Not so much because he is trying for the journalistic integrity itself though, but just because it happens to serve his particular style. He looks for something with each person where he is genuinely curious about challenging them to see where it leads. People he personally likes get challenged hard on some point because he likes to test how real it is. He looks hard for the right spot where it seems it may break. He hits as precisely and as hard as he can while also being genuine and only pursuing one point to its difficult conclusion, not multiple points. And he backs off when he's taken something as far as it can possibly go.

    He always looks for a precise endpoint to his line of questions.

  4. Sean Hannity and O'reilly are the types of people who are sharp and quick to cut you off as soon as you begin to answer a question. I don't care to listen to them. I'm not sure who Matthews is but Olberman is like the Fox News crew, but opposite. I would rather get my news from the internet than listen to a bunch of biased freaks. Maybe it is because I'm a libertarian. I'd rather listen to Neal Boortz and Michael Savage.

  5. They simply don't know the difference between journalists and news broadcasting vs. opinion based commentary.

    When the information fits their preconceived agenda - well, it's "news."

    When it doesn't, it's biased commentary.

  6. I think it's funny how O'Reilly claims he has NO bias whatsoever.  But I do think MSNBC is pushing it too far.  Hannity is the worst, in my opinion.  And the only reason I like Olbermann is that I find him to be very funny.  I like the humor and all.

    Otherwise, C-SPAN seems to be the only place without bias.

  7. Reality has a well-known liberal bias

  8. Because liberals can't handle the truth.  They have no answers and it kills them.  Bill has highest ratings on TV news shows.  They both are great.

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