
Why do liberals do this?

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If liberals support choice then why are they so against smoking?

I'm a non-smoker myself but yet I don't care what people do, so why are liberals so anti-smoking, if people make a choice to?




  1. Your lungs, your choice. I don't smoke either; difference is I don't see why I should sit in a bar and have to breath smoky air just because someone else smokes? My lungs, my choice what I put in them. And there's a reason I don't smoke. It stinks.

    Oh, and as a point of interest, while you are cheerfully saying liberals are anti smoking, I know it's not just liberals.

    There was one very prominent right wing leader several years ago who detested smoking and banned it in his country. You could never accuse this man of being liberal.

    His name was Adolf Hitler.

  2. A crucial part of liberalism is: we don't force our choices on other people, but the corollary is we don't accept others trying to force their choices on us.  As far as smoking is concerned, you can poison yourself at home if you like, but if you inflict your fumes on others, in a bar or restaurant for example, then you are interfering in the right of non-smokers not to inhale toxic effluent.  This means libs are not generally anti-smoking as such, just against smoking in public spaces.

  3. So others, like my self, can go out and CHOOSE not to smell like a walking cigarette.  If I go out to a bar with my friends to watch the game, I should be able to enjoy myself and not have to be exposed to those awful things.  That's why...

  4. What a twist ...Wow

  5. I don't see Liberals karate chopping cigarettes out of smokers hand.  

  6. Well, Liberals are against drugs, alchohol and smoking, because saying they are makes them sound tough and proactive, but what it reallly does is give them more control over our lives. Because the truth is, liberals believe they know what is best for us, so when they ban smoking and etc, they believe its for the best. They dont care about little things like freedom of choice. As for abortion, they are against it for 2 reason, many liberals are woman and want to have the option of killing their babies. And second, liberals dont care about people's rights to life, liberty or property and they would glady get rid of those if they had their way.

    I would also like to add, that many, if not most liberals are against smoking, unlike many people here claim, not only do liberals promote higher taxes on smoking, they want government labels, that are supposed to warn and protect people. This is their way of trying to protect us from ourselves because they think were to dumb to do it ourselves.

  7. Smokers can smoke themselves to death, their choice.

    I am against them forcing non-smokers to wallow in their disgusting filth (smoke) with them.

  8. What liberals are anti-smoking? You seem desperate to attack liberals for anything you don't like. Let me guess, hurricane Gustav is the liberals fault?

    Liberals are for freedom and liberties. Almost all of my friends are liberals and not one of them is for criminalizing or banning smoking. I think you've been fed all of your "opinions" from someone else. AM radio? Fox News? Or are you just delusional?

  9. They can smoke, just don't smoke around me.  If you don't care about your lungs, that's up to you.  I'd like to have mine as much as possible.

    I don't agree with measures that want to regulate what people do in their homes and cars.  That doesn't effect the population at large.  Public places are different though.

  10. I'm a liberal and I smoke. I know lots of other liberals who smoke. I think the basic premise of your question is fallacious.

  11. Pertaining in particular to public smoking bans, it's more a question of why liberals think non-smokers, including, let's say, asthmatics and pregnant women, should be able to go to work without being forced to breathe other people's second-hand smoke.

  12. What a silly question.  What makes you think only liberals are against smoking? There are plenty of people on both sides that do not approve of smoking.  Your question is ridiculous.

  13. I do not care, I smoked for over 50 years.  Not a problem it really is NOT a liberal issue, unless YOU say it is.  You really do need to do some research on "important issues".

  14. I believe Republicans are against smoking too. It's just not healthy. I used to smoke, quit while you're ahead.

  15. I don't like smoking cause it stinks.

    And it drives up health care costs.

  16. Smoke yourself to death your choice, 2nd hand smoke my choice.

  17. the wording democratic liberal party is a total LIE. firstly they most definately are not democratic ie. scotland the lib party leader (former)Nicol stephen declared he was against the people of scotland having the democratic right to decide their destiny one way or the other as to independance, next every time there is a hung govt they jump into bed with whoever is the most likely to give them a slice of power they are most definately democratically not entitled to . it is time they were disbanded because they provide no usefull purpose whatsoever  

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