
Why do liberals keep going on about the economy?

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the economy is in fairly good shape aside from the job loses but that can be linked to increased productivity. Now the economy grew 3.3% last quarter and the 6.1% unemployment rate is still lower than in the 90's. So my question is why are people letting the media use its spin to convince them the economy is bad when its in good shape? and arn't the democrates the ones who are out of touch by saying its bad?




  1. Because they actually believe the President runs the economy, when the truth is he can only influence it (and that only with the help of Congress) and speaking of congress, I thought they were going to turn this thing around by now.  At least that's what I heard in 2006 when they took over.  Their problem is they aren't creative enough to do so without raising taxes, because they are reluctant to trim any of the programs that are out there.  

    Oh, and Denise:  News flash, people are not going into foreclosure because of gas prices, they are foreclosing because they bought houses they could never afford in the first place, and speculated with adjustable rate loans, thinking they would flip the house before they had to pay any interest, then the bubble burst, and they were unable to sell.  So, according to you, that's the Governments fault??  Seems to me that all of the smart people who waited until now, because they knew they could not afford when the market was high, will do well if they buy now.

    About the economy, I put it like this, everyone wants to give Clinton the credit for inheriting a strong economy.  Okay, lets say that's true, then we must also blame him for the dot com collapse, the effects of which we still feel by virtue of many skilled computer people still out of work.  Happened on his watch.  Think about that, and then tell me the President (any President) is to blame.  It cost a lot to build our military back up to Clinton era lows, to combat the war on terror, and it can be argued that it was those Clinton era lows that emboldened our enemies, which caused the atacckes (I won't even get into the fact that Bin Laden was in our cross-hairs on Clinton's watch, but he decided NOT to pull the trigger, oh if only he had....)  

  2. It's not in good shape.  

  3. Job losses in Finance are not related to increased productivity are they?  Mortgage meltdown, flat wages, increased cost of living, AND the National Debt all contribute to our economic woes.

  4. No, my friend.  It's in incredibly bad shape.  

  5. what world are you living in? It doesn't mater if you're democrat or republican - the cost of living is sky rocketing and it's hitting all of middle America in their wallet.

    The reason you hear more from the democrats is because they are the party that has a true connection and understanding of the working population of our country so they know what's really going on to everyone's family budget. The republicans only represent the upper-class white America so they are out of touch and don't give a rat's a**.

  6. Job losses cannot be linked to increased productivity.  Measuring the unemployment rate and comparing it to another decade is the real spin.  I don't know where you live, but the economy in the U.S. is spirally out of control.

  7. why do you think we all got stimulus checks?

    because they felt like just giving us more money to save?

    no, it was to stimulate the economy.

    & that was the republican's idea too!

  8. Because we can see the reality that our country is going down the spiral fast through our own checkbooks. Maybe you are apart of the 1% wealthy in this country and are living in denial. If not, then what rock have you been hiding under during the Bush Administration?

  9. Because they're professional whiners and wouldn't know hard times if it hit them in the face.

  10. Oh, yeah, then all those people foreclosing on their houses and having to sell their cars because of gas prices are just doing it for fun?

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