
Why do liberals keep talking about McCain and the draft?

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It's the Democrats who keep puting forth legislation to enact the draft, and it TAKES AN ACT OF CONGRESS to enact the draft. A President can't do it. I understand your need to create fear against McCain for all of your non-serving, wouldn't-serve-a-day-in-defense-of-their... wussbags, because Obama has nothing going for him but glossy prescripted speeches, but come on, you look as ignorant as the Republicans that call Obama a Muslim.




  1. "Keep talking about"?  I've rarely seen the issue raised.  I think you are over sensitive.  I don't know why McCain made such a silly gaffe.  He surely knows that won't fly.

  2. If McCain is elected he will continue with the Bush policies plus more. In his own words he favors the renewal of the draft system.  No scare tactic needed because if McCain get the chance to continue his war ideas it will mean our young men/women will be used to fulfill his plans, yes all young people should be concerned about McCain.  

  3. The same reason, they tried saying if Bush was reelected in 2004, he was going to bring back the draft in 2005.

    It is just a Dem scare tactic they always use.

    Just like they always say the republicans will

    End Social Security

    End medicare

    End medicaid

    Not fund education, even though the dems are the only ones to ever cut education funding.

  4. McCain answered, "I don't disagree" after a woman in his audience proposed that America would never be able to "follow Bin Laden to the Gates of h**l" unless the draft was reinstituted,

    McCain, however, is unlikely to call for a draft.  Certainly not before the election and probably not after.  

    The draft will not be necessary as long as economic policy keeps the number of American jobs low so that competing workers will work cheaply.  Young people entering the job market may find that, if they want to eat, they need to serve themselves up as cannon fodder.  

  5. College Professors keep telling them its McCain that wants the Draft,

  6. It is a tactic that raises its head each election.... to play on a fear-based emotional electorate....

    Charles Rangle D. NY is the one who pushed it to the floor and was voted down like in a huge vote..

  7. The Democrats are the one who keep bringing up the draft.

    So it must be what they want for this nation.

    Another reason why not to vote for the Democrats.  

  8. They are just trying to scare the young people of our country to vote Democrat. They need to realize that young people never put down their bongs long enough to actually go out and vote anyways.

    Only Democrats propose drafts.

  9. because they are scared of something that won't happen... :/

  10. They have nothing of substance to complain about so they use this c**p.

  11. Scare tactic, When in truth Rangle(D) (That is Democrat) is the only legislator who has in the past called for the draft to be enacted.

  12. nobody keeps "putting forth legislation to enact the draft"

    you're just making that up.

  13. McCain has said that he's not for the draft, but he has changed his mind on many issues. You cannot trust what he says. How can we sustain an occupation in Iraq, send more troops to Afghanistan and possibly go in to Iran without a draft? Now McCain's talking tough on the Georgia-Russia situation. Read more about Rangel's proposal. If there were ever to be another draft; the Bushs and Cheneys of the world should be forced to go also. They were draft dodgers.

    Bush's war czar has said that the draft should be considered. Of course the Republicans are going to say the draft is not an option - it's an election year.

  14. Because McCain has a long history of 180-degree turns.

    Or flip flops if you like.

  15. Actually McCain is the one who has fostered these rumors. It seems he has a nasty habit. Almost every time someone mentions re-instituting the draft he always says the equivalent of "I don't disagree". Now I don't think McCain will try to bring the draft back and it would require a bill being placed before him by Congress authorizing the draft, but it cannot be denied that he is not really helping dispel the notion overall.

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