
Why do liberals like to demonize women?

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They did it with Hillary Clinton and now they are doing it with Sarah Palin. It seems like it's not even about politics, but the fact that they are female. Liberals seem to have an idea of what females should be like and what they should believe in, and if any woman dares to dismiss/reject those ideas, they'll do what they can to destroy or silence her. I don't notice liberals using this much effort to demonize and vilify male candidates. Please enlighten me as to why so many of these people claim to be for "women's rights", yet seem to enjoy demonizing women, regardless of which political party they come from.




  1. because they listen to subject and watch subject things

    and they learn from blacks and hispanics  

  2. I loathe Hillary, I like Palin's spirit, so, I don't demonize women, just bad, bad, women.

  3. Demonizing Sarah Palin is just another lib tactic to cover up just how unqualified their own candidate is.

    The lib machine already gave up Hillary, opting to use the more powerful tactic of manipulating racism, over manipulating sexism. Racism is easily more emotional, and pointing a finger at the opposing candidate simply because he is white, influences the younger and naive more.

    This is not to say that the libs (Obamabots) are actually not racist.The Obamabots bringing this question up at all, is racist. They are obviously selective in their race to support, as we have seen past answerers here from the Obamabot camp attack other answerers on the basis of their asian ethnicity. There was even a question posted by an Obamabot, stating that there were different shades of "black", and that McCain's daughter was Bangladeshi, therefore not "black" enough.

    Sexism doesn't pull enough of the democratic votes. It has, though, demonstrated the hypocrisy of the liberals (I did not say "democrats" since Hillary followers seem to not have this problem).

    The Obamabot liberal camp has just reacted to the loss of their secondary tool for the influence of younger and naive voters.

    For the candidates themselves:

    Sarah Palin is the governor of Alaska. She was also the mayor of a town. That is much more experience than Idiot Barry, with his trifling 143 days of saying "present" in the senate, and taking credit for the work of others. Idiot Barry's background as "community organizer"(gang leader?) is also not a good comparison to Palin.

    John McCain and Joe Biden appear to be friends, and Biden has supported McCain already a number of times on key issues like Iraq. Biden is not a veteran, and has only a little experience, as a reservist officer mainly dealing with legal matters (JAG), but at least he has some. Both he and McCain have sons who are, or will be, serving in Iraq. It appears that Biden has gone completely against his principles and everything he stands for, for this fleeting chance at power. Stupidity for the chance of power is still stupidity.

  4. You are wasting your breath.

    There is NO WAY you can turn Sarah Palin into a feminist issue without her totally reversing her views on religion, which of course would make her a HYPOCRITICAL AND UNQUALIFIED VP choice.

  5. They have nothing else to do but bash other people.

    No surprise.

  6. These silly liberals will demonize anybody who stands in opposition to them. They don't even make sense to themselves any more. It must be really confusing to be a liberal during this election cycle. And Obama tried so hard to be a simple solution for their simple minds.

    "Hooope... chaaange... hooope... chaaange..."

    I don't think it's working out very well for them.

  7. I'm a liberal and I don't demonize women. That would serve no purpose. Liberals are more open minded than cons regarding gender equality. Haven't you heard liberals talk about Bush/Cheney  or McCain? Doesn't seem to me that they're not putting for much effort to "demonize and vilify male candidates."

  8. Aycora has been demonized by someone and now she's taking it out on the liberals.  She ought to know that we are all humans with various shades of character.  We all don't have the same shortcomings,Aycora.  Don't know what planet you're from !

  9. Doesnt matter Liberals demonize demean and villify anything or anybody that stands in the way of their dellusional dream of a Utopian Socialist Paradise.   They are boderline paranoid delusional and attack blindly those that they percieve as a threat.   Its a way they try to beat everyone down to their level which is utter mediocrity at best.

  10. Yes indeed...hypocrites...

  11. Because a woman is about to tear their make-believe world apart, that Obama is the Messiah.

    Power in Sarah Palin, an honest forthright Republican is Obama's disaster of "change" into dollars for the citizens of America, bringing up our love of Country instead of hatred and Socialism, instead of screaming America, I hate you, instead of "I will not wear that pin (American Flag) on my chest"-Barack Obama...Americans are saying Yes, we can Sarah!, and that is what ticks off Liberals.

    Thanks Sarah, you're a hero to me already. America first, before the whiners!

  12. It certainly is unreal.  The party of love and tolerance isn't that at all it's vicious and degrading to women, especially women who don't follow their own ideology.  

  13. Palin is being USED by the Republicans. This is a painfully obvious fact. She never would have been offered the position by McCain it if weren't for the fact that she is a woman who can shore up angry Clintonites. Just think about it. Women should be deeply insulted that the Republicans think they can play us like this.

  14. Because liberal men can get away with it and liberal women don't seem to care.  Let's face it, liberal women know their place .  If their husband wants to have an affair, they just have to deal with it.  If a liberal woman wants to run for President, she'll lose.  They don't seem to possess a functional moral compass.

  15. I think many hardcore liberals are mad because they can't logically play the race card anymore without the juxtaposed sexist card trumping their claim.

    I am a libertarian, but Palin has definitely made a positive difference in the way I see McCain.

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