
Why do liberals not have any class?

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I heard that an innocent mother and her baby had a McCain bumper sticker on their car. They were filling up for gas when a group of liberals drove by and threw a soda at them. They started cursing at them and calling them all kinds of names. Why are liberals so low class, hateful, and intolerant?




  1. Hey mr. konservative, what about the mothers and babies being killed in Iraq?  Conservatives have no class.

  2. Liberal is wide term that refers to many people. Some people under that heading are of high class and others of low class. I can name even more horrific events done by conservatives. Drunk teenagers do dumb things no matter which party they belong to. You seem to imply a party higher up in a suit or my dad the Liberal doctor going around throwing beer cans at babies. It doesn't happen. While your higher ups, break into watergate,  write laws that punish hate crimes and invade foreign countries.

  3. You are just so funny.  Never occurred to you that IF THIS EVEN HAPPENED that they could have been some of your precious  "right wingers" out to be stupid as they many times are feeling it would be blamed on so-called "liberals".  Remember what they say about assume.  Now, if I were to say that this recount sounds like hateful racist trash that instructs in how to be low-class while masquerading as a high class wannabe, would that make me right or just a right wing.

  4. I think that there is a lot of intolerant rude, rage-filled people out there.  I am not sure they are Liberal or Conservative.  But just plain rude and hateful.

  5. Where are your sources?  Or lets be real, you are just making up this story....  

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