
Why do liberals?

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I have noticed that liberals, more often than not, resort to name calling and foul language when engaging in debate.

Or, if they find themselves in an indefensible position the call you a name and end the conversation.

I have seen this in many people, but it happens more frequently with liberals.

Can anyone explain this?




  1. Really? thats odd, no disrespect, but I seem to see it more in conservatives, rather then liberals. Actually, to be honest, I would argue that those who resort to namecalling are not even, by definition, "Liberals", on the left, but not liberals. But perhaps that is just me.

    of course, both sides do it, but I apparently see it differently then you. Lets just hope people will realize that name calling does nothing but hurt your own causes credibility

  2. because in the  realm of ideas and debate the liberals cant win a argument they are and have always been on the wrong side of history

  3. I have received hate email from conservative, been called every name in the book and then some.

    It works both ways.

    It would seem to me, your blind partisanship can't see that.

    Not name calling, but when you make a blanket statement such as that, it shows your allegiance quite clearly that you don't see clearly.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  4. hmm, youve noticed that only in liberals thats a funny thing because if you ever watch the rush limbaugh show instead of defending his arguments he tweaks out like a child when you take away their lollipop. you see as a former anarchist and now a liberal democrat im very used to debating with right wing people and normally they cant defend their positions without resorting to name calling because when you put pressure on anyone their fight or flight response makes them freak out and since they cannot run from the argument the fight response takes over and they resort to personal attacks its a human thing not a left wing right wing thing, you understand?

  5. Sure, Liberals can't debate because they rarely have any real facts to support their moronic opinions.  They need to resort to name calling and foul language because its really all they have.

  6. mnost children behave this way

  7. Yes, I can explain it.  You need to be more observant.  There's plenty of name calling and slurs to go around.

    Democrats 2008

  8. Things like ''Get rid of that hood and let some air into your head''. That has been seen. Fascist is another term.

    Another point there was someone who asked a question why the lazy got awards in Society  or something to that effect and a reply was given that alternate currencies was a possibility. So a question is this indefensible if not why remove it.

  9. I disagree.  While liberals do what you describe conservatives do it just as often.  Case in point, listen in to Limbaugh, Hannity, or most other conservative talkers.  When some "liberal" comes on the air they yell over them and drop their call.  It happens on both sides, mostly because people become frustrated, neither party is willing to change their mind and it upsets them.

    I appreciate you view but Y!A is equally as bad as any other public forum.  Probably more so than those that take place face to face.  The two examples I used I did so because they are such public figures.  No not all do, but using Y!A as a source for attitudes does not hold weight with me, people are cowards when they do not have to debate face to face.

    See you and I had a calm polite debate with no name calling.  Much respect.

  10. what you find is that most that resort to that aren't old enough to carry on a normal a forum such as this there are always teenie boppers popping up with no paticular agenda, but to be disruptive
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