
Why do liberals...???

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Want to pull out of Iraq and in the same breath give amnesty to Illegals in the US?

Do you feel sorry for the Mexicans because of their corrupt government and lack of stability? Do you think Iraq will be "fine & dandy" if we just pack up and come home?

Please explain how you can pity people from some bad places, yet wish corruption, death and turmoil to another.

Seriously, I want to know from supporters of Iraq withdrawl and amnesty. No wisecracks or insults, just reason. I will listen and learn (i hope) not judge & criticize individual responses.




  1. there is no correlation between your two questions, they have nothing to do with each other.

    that said, there are plenty of fruitcakes before me who have given some "fine" answers.

  2. Well as far as the war goes I think it was fabricated for the sole purpose of profits generated from war profiteers and oil moguls. d**k Cheney and Karl Rove had documents that he had altered from 1992 that he used to convince the American people that Iraq had intentions to obtain or already had weapons of mass destruction. d**k Cheney had a motive for this because of his ties to Haliburton Corp.. There is also public knowledge that his personal savings has risen from 1.2 million to over 60 mil. since the start of the war. George Bush on the other hand is an oil Mogul, why do you think he bombed all the refiners in Iraq.

    As far as the immigration issue. I think it should be stopped, these people are entering our country illegally, not paying taxes and taking jobs from Americans.

    I am double sided on a lot of issues.

  3. I think you have the Liberals idea's and conduct down real good, so there is really nothing to say.  Even though you ask the questions, you seem to know them Libs pretty well.

  4. Illegals are not ONLY Mexicans. Illegal aliens come from every country in the world.

    they want to get them legal because of:

    1) humanity. some illegal aliens have developed families, and can provide to their families a better way of life than in theri countries it would be impossible.

    2) human resources. illegal workers are far more cheaper than legals, so companies are trying to keep them in and bring more if possible, you don't have to give them benefits, and even you don't have to pay them minimum salary. if they go back to their countries companies are gonna have to hire legals and that's very expensive.

    Iraq is not going to be "fine and dandy" when the US withdraw from Iraq (cannot be there for eternity). Iraq is already destroyed by the allied forces: their constitution, their buildings, the president is dead, etc... Iraq is now worse than it was before the war, now they don't have a government, they don't have a law, crime is up, thousands of civilians dead, families incomplete.

    the reason liberals oppose America going to war is for the reason it went there. to get the oil.

    how to prove it: when they first tried to attack Iraq the US went to the UN saying that Iraq had some terrorists there. didn't work. so they came with another reason: that it had waepons of mass destruction. UN check that and it didn't find any. third reason: "saddam is a dictator". didn't work either. so the US didn't care about the UN anymore, he went for the oil themselves, how to assure the US wont fight alone: "anyone who is not with me is against me".

    the problem with the middle east is this: in the 19th century the middle east didn't have machinery to get their oil out, but the british and americans had, so in an agreement UK-US would provide the tools but some of the oil will belong to UK-US. the middle east came with the idea that if the oil comes form the countries land it belongs to the people of that land, and UK-US would have to buy it. the allies went to war, killed the president of every middle east country, one by one, and replace them with a president that will give US-UK oil the way it was before.

  5. I support us, taking personal responsibility to stop hiring illegal mexicans,,, and the market for them will end sending them home

    immediate withdrawal from iraq and allow the civil war to take place... it is coming,,, now or later...

    and even under a democracy iraq would elect an anti-american govt...

    so choose an american friendly dictator and they hate us for it fueling terrorism here at home

    or let them be free of our control and fight it out amongst themselves

    everyone knew iraq was a quagmire

    i like that word.... quagmire....

  6. I seem to recall that Bush's bill for amnesty was defeated by Congress a few months back despite all of his lobbying.

    That has nothing to do with the fact that we don't belong in the illegal, immoral war Bush started in Iraq.

  7. iraq is about Bush, plain and simple. Its his war for his own selfish reasons. he doesnt care about mexicans or otherwise.

  8. I have sympathy  for both groups.  Staying in Iraq, however, is not to the benefit of the Iraqi people.  Because o fBush's imperialistic opsession, he lied to get us into that war.

    And what do we see? Tens of thousands of Iraqis dying inn the war every year. No electricty. No schools. Almost no medical care. Bush's mercenaries gunning women and children down in the streets.

    No person who has any real concern for the Iraqi people wants tis to continue. We need to get our troops out. We need to pull Haliburton and the rest of the corrupt busniness cronies of Bush and Cheney. We need to disband the mercenaries. Then send in REAL contractors to help the Iraqis rebuild.  

    As for the illegals--they are in this country with no documentation because the GOP wants it that way.  Forget their rhetoric. They had 12 years in control of Congress--and did nothing to enforce the law and nothing to fix the immigrationsystem. They blocked reform legislation last year.  They have no intention of  protecting our border or doing ANYTHING about the illegals because they--and their campaign contributors--are profitig off the status quo by paying subminimum wages, violating laws about working conditions, and pocketing money that should be paid in taxes.

    Their rhetoric--on Iraq or illegals--does not matter. Their actions prove their corruption and hypocrisy.
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