
Why do liberals say that McCain will reverse Roe versus Wade, and that it is impossible, at the same time??

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Liberals say that Roe versus Wade will never be overturned (though I personally doubt that), as if to suggest that voting for McCain on the abortion issue is useless. But at the same time they also say that if he is elected, then he will reverse it, to discourage "pro choicers" from voting for him.




  1. I don't think that would be high on his priorities.  He is more of a centrist than a religious conservative.  And no, I don't think there would be enough support for it.  The candidates speak platitudes to get votes, I doub't they feel real strong about a lot of the issues.  Some do I'm sure, but probably not McCain on this issue.

  2. It's a Supreme Court issue and although he does not have the power to over turn it, he will most likely appoint Justices which could have an affect when the issue once again makes it to the Supreme Court.

  3. Many different people with different beliefs identify themselves as liberals.  We are not all clones of each or utilize some kind of 'hive-mind'.  We have different opinions and beliefs.  Some will say that McCain may try to overturn Roe vs. Wade while others say it's impossible.  Liberals do not have some kind of secret conspiracy with secret meetings to come to agreement on our beliefs.  Liberals became liberal independently from each other, for the most part.  It is no more indoctrinated in us than conservatism is.

  4. He will appoint Supreme Justices that can re-examine the case and reverse it at the federal level. It will then become an issue for the individual states.

    This is one of the real powers that the president has and a reason why conservatives want McCain in the White House. One more appointment by the Republicans and Roe v. Wade is history.

    EDIT to Colleen: You are, as always, brilliant!

    EDIT to Kevin: Bush appointed two justices based strongly  on this issue. It is VERY important to the conservative base. Also, Sarah Palin is a staunch pro lifer.

  5. Go to McCain's own web site where McCain says that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and must be overturned.  McCain will seek to appoint justices to the Supreme Court that agree with that point of view.  In addition, Justice John Paul Stevens is very old, therefore it is likely that the next President will be appointing at least one Justice to the Supreme Court.

  6. It's called double talk and the dems have taken it to a new level. They have now reached the point where they can talk out of two orifices at the same time.

  7. It's an old scare tactic Democrats have used to keep pro-choicers from voting for Republicans.  It comes up with every Presidential election.

    In reality, McCain can potentially indirectly influence the decision.  However, the popular climate won't let R.v.W. change.

  8. He is not for a women having medical treatment for an abortion. He just picked a VP for that reason obviously. He said it they aren't making it up.

  9. i think you are wrong

    Liberals say it shouldn't ever be overturned, not that it can't be overturned

    I've never heard anybody say that Roe v. Wade can't be overturned

  10. Although he can't change it himself, he will likely appoint some justices to the supreme court, who could potentially overturn it.

    I wouldn't get my hopes up though.

  11. Rest assured, after McCain gets elected in November he will begin to appoint judges who are "real" Americans and Roe will fall. Millions of innocent children will be saved from the clutches of the abortionists butchering them.  

  12. Dems claim to like technology and looking out for the "little guy".  Advances in sonogram technology makes it abundantly clear when life begins.  (if you have not had a child and been involved in the process educate yourself)  How is it that a vegetable in a hospital has more rights then a developing human with the same or higher level of awareness depending on when the abortion takes place?  

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