
Why do liberals seem to think Bristol Palin got pregnant as a result of abstinence?

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Silly me -- I thought she got pregnant by having s*x!

Liberals are looking at Bristol and saying, "See -- teaching abstinence doesn't work."

Apparently they don't realize that Bristol did not practice abstinence.

Instead, they should be saying, "See? Refusing to practice abstinence doesn't work."

Is there something missing in my logic here?

Can someone explain to me how abstinence gets blamed for teen pregnancy -- when teen pregnancy is the result of teens NOT practicing abstinence???





  1. You are splitting hairs. Pregnant is pregnant. And...the girl IS pregnant.

    Lets just hope that she did not catch anything more than the baby bug.

    Condoms can also stop the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, some of which can be eventually fatal and can be passed on to the baby.

    Plus...they are also available now in many rainbow colors and glow in the dark colors.

  2. yes, whats missing in your logic is that no one is saying that "practicing abstinence doesn't work".  What they are saying is just what you posted!  "TEACHING abstinence doesn't work".  You seem to be against the democrats, so i have to ask you, why are you and most McCain Supporters talking just as much about Bristol Palin as anybody?  Even Sen. Obama said to leave the children out of it.  

  3. Maybe they were trying to say that she was being taught abstinence. But wasn't practicing it. There fore teaching abstinence doesn't work.


  4. What they are saying is that Palin teaching her children that abstinence  only instead of telling them about birth control is why Bristol is pregnant.  They think if Bristol had been taught all about abortion, and birth control pills and condoms that she would not have gotten pregnant.

  5. This is the extent of your logic?  What a shame.

  6. There is definitely something missing in your logic. First of all, Bristol Palin should not be made an example, but the issue should still be discussed. Alaska's stance on s*x education is abstinence Only. That means they don't teach the benefits of birth control and contraceptives and basically rely simply on telling kids to keep it in their pants untill they're married . Abstinence Only has been proven to be ineffective in lowering teen pregnancy and is contrary to our culture and biology. We should promote s*x education that teaches both abstinence and contraception. This idea of 'abstinance is effective every time it's practiced' has been proven to be pretzel logic.  

  7. It is very simple. Her mother, the Gov. of Alaska, believes in abstinence. It is part of her political platform along with not teaching sexual education in schools.

    It is a direct sign of the Governor's leadership ability and the willingness of people to listen to her (her daughter) as to why it is an issue.  

  8. It shows that Abstinence Education does not work and is a flawed thing to teach and a waste of tax payer money but Palin still supports it despite this.

  9. Why do liberals seem to think Bristol got pregnant as the result of abstinence?

    Liberals are obsessed with the idea of a virgin birth. They dread and fear the return of the messiah, and will do any thing to stop it. (like King Herod and the slaughter of the innocents).

    (just kidding)

    I suppose they think teens are incapable of practicing abstinence because it's just too hard to resist temptation.

    Abstinence is easy. I've been practicing it for years and I'm not even trying. *Sigh*

  10. It's not just abstinence. But its the fact that some who prefer abstinence tends to avoid s*x talks and also talk about birth control. That's the main issue. Abstinence vs s*x educations & birth control. People think if you teach teens to use birth control it is encouraging them to have s*x. So they teach teens about abstinence and not much about birth control and what a surprise, here comes a baby.

    So you're completely missing the point. The point people are making is abstinence alone is not adequate s*x education and birth control/safe s*x should also be included.

    All those people talking about this issue wouldn't be that stupid to overlook something that obvious.

  11. Mama always said to watch out for those "word-twisting" Asian liars.

  12. Refusing to teach s*x education doesn't work, refusing to practice safe s*x doesn't work, refusing to practice birth control doesn't work.

  13. Abstinence is not blamed. Encouraging Abstinence instead of promoting the use of birth control is blamed.

    If you do not understand this then perhaps you should spend a little more time listening to and looking at the arguments.

    This poor girl got pregnant because using abstinence as a birth control method is almost always doomed to failure. Its like telling people not to eat fatty foods to protect their health. We all know it works but even most grown adults are too weak to resist these most basic of animal drives. So what chance do teens have?

    Encouraging abstinence in teenagers is simply naive because they are hard-wired to want s*x and in the teen years this drive combined with the raging hormones make abstinence an unrealistic choice for most. The only drive stronger (and this is debatable) is the drive to eat.

    Try actually interpreting using common sense when you listen next time.

  14. I'm surprised she didn't claim God wanted this to least she can't claim to be pregnant by him

  15. she was taught abstinence... it didn't work...

    I'm a little confused as to where you are confused?

    study after study shows that teaching s*x ed reduces the number of teen pregancies, STDS and so on...

  16. i am confused

  17. Why is Bristol Palin's pregnancy anybody's business other than her parent's, her boyfriend, and her own is an even better question?! But, no~ you're not missing anything here, just a million other people are.  

  18. Her mother only supports abstinence-until-marriage programs.

    Are you unable to see how Palin's stance failed.  Instead, a 17 year old is becoming a mother and a wife.  

    I am sorry, I cannot wish this upon any 17 year old.  I think education is the key, not blindly believing that our youth will remain abstinent until marriage---this is a theological perspective.  

  19. You're exactly right.

    There is no logic to it. It honestly doesn't make any sense.

    It's that fact alone that explains why they irrationally just try to flip the coin and start pointing fingers at her mother just so they can have a reason to say she wasn't a good choice for VP. And so concludes ANOTHER nonsensical accusation since she had no control over her daughter getting pregnant.

  20. When you teach abstinence you don't teach sexual education. You tell kids not to have s*x so you don't tell them how to be safe if they do it anyway. That's why people say that teaching abstinence doesn't work and can result in teen pregnancy. She would not be pregnant if she used a condom or was on birth control when she decided to get busy.

  21. Your logic is all but absent.

    Nobody said abstinence resulted in pregnancy. It's that teaching abstinency ONLY ignores the FACT that teens don't always listen and they will have s*x. In Palin's world - these teens don't exist. Thus, condoms and teaching about STDs are useless. are the results!

  22. I don't think you understand. Teaching kids to abstain from s*x period, without teaching safe s*x as the alternative to abstinence, is where the problem lies. Since Bristol never had s*x education (I'm assuming), she was taught to abstain from s*x only. She is 17 and didn't listen like a lot of teenagers do. If she was taught safe s*x practices she would have been capable of making an EDUCATED decision to be safe. By not teaching safe s*x, we as a society are not giving our youth the life tools to make important adult decisions that will effect their lives forever. This girl has her whole life head of her. And it's sad because she is going to be forced to marry her boyfriend, not because the love each other, but because her mom can't have an under age, unwed daughter while she is running for vice president on the Conservative ticket.

  23. You are so right. Abstinence does not work if you have s*x. I am sure the daughter was smart enough that if she wanted to use something to keep her from getting pregnant she could have. My Mother taught abstinence...did it keep me from having s*x???Hmmm well i wont tell. Liberals are just trying to destroy this girl and I am sure not one of them had s*x before marriage or does not have a sister or daughter that ever got pregnant.

  24. it shows the lack of Palin to take any real responsibility. She couldn't even   take care of her daughter and be a good mother, how can she take care of a whole country

  25. ...f,sd/.,gdsa

  26. I can't answer your question. Thanks for making me think.

  27. Hi-

    ill explain what they mean...

    Republicans are all " dont teach safe s*x, teach abistnence"

    and what democrats are trying to say is.. " look kids have s*x.. teaching abstinence is not good. you NEED To teach about safe s*x"

  28. Duh...she didn't practice abstinence...because teaching it didn't

  29. Yes, twisted circular logic, never actually reaching a point, just word vomit over and over again.

  30. Where's Waldo? nice shirt ol

  31. um....sweetie, no one said she got pregnant from abstinence. we all know what abstinence means and obviously she didn't practice it.

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