
Why do liberals show such hatred towards successful women?

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First they stabbed Hillary in the back, and now they are attacking another woman who has been very successful? Why do the people who claim to be the most tolerant actually hate other people the most?




  1. We didn't stab Hillary.  Although I am a Obama supporter, check my back posts and you will see that I have often told the rapid Hillary haters here, virtually all of them Conservative Republicans, how silly they are among other things.  I just happened to think Obama would make a better President.

    I also think that Palin's views are extreme.  Her gender has nothing to do with it.

  2. Because liberals have no real answers to society's needs. They can't fight the message, so they have to attack the messenger. It doesn't really matter who the messenger is, actually.

    The whole Hillary thing just goes to show that liberals will eat their own as rabidly as they will attack the opposition.

    Also, any woman who doesn't toe the party line, (liberalism) is open to attack, just as are any minority figures who happen to be conservative. Republican women are traitors to the cause, plain and simple.

  3. Hi. I'm a woman and an Obama supporter. When Hillary was in the running, I definitely thought about throwing my support behind her, especially considering the fact that I am a New Yorker, but I realized that I preferred Obama has a presidential candidate.

    This has nothing to do with Clinton being a woman; I think that she is a smart and strong woman.

    And Palin.... is a joke. Not because she is a woman, but because she has no experience and I disagree with her on every issue. She is about as fit to be president as my mother or my father.

  4. Liberals like their 'victim' status. If they run things then they have to perform and they don't like that. They like to be professional complainers.

  5. Yes - look at how they've shunned Madelaine Albright, Janet Napolitano, Jennifer Granholm, Claire McCaskill, Nydia Velazquez by forcing them to speak at their convention.

    Hillary wasn't "stabbed in the back" - she lost the election.  Failing to support someone isn't the same as betraying them.  Besides - I haven't seen anything in this election that even approaches the venom directed toward Hillary by various conservative pundits during his time as First Lady.

    By and large, you'll find that the "hatred" is toward women of the opposite party, not "successful women".

  6. Liberals don't hate women. I'm a liberal, I'm a woman, and I'm voting for Barack Obama. If Obama picked Hillary as his VP, it would have been a disaster. The Republicans have a gold mine of dirt on her and her husband.

    Also, Palin is not a feminist's friend by all means and someone who makes Obama look like an elder statesman. She is a Republican and ultra conservative. It would make perfect sense that liberals attack her.

  7. People who write in generalities often have little ability to discern between shades of gray. Why do Conservatives bomb abortion clinics? Why are conservatives greedy and evil?

    You see my point? Conservatives are not all the same, neither are liberals. Who gets forgotten are the people in the center that are not extremists. Political affiliation has nothing to do with hatred. People for very different reasons can hate. As for hating successful women, I think successful women are quite compelling and even s**y.

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