
Why do liberals think that making McCain look unpatriotic is a winning strategy?

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Seriously it won't work.You libs can keep on screaming that McCain was "caught" by the enemy(he got shot down over a lake with a twisted leg,really trying to hid huh?),that he told the enemy secrets after being tortured(really huh?you libs just make me laugh),and that he got out of their camp scott-free(He could have got out in the first month of captivity,because his dad was important in the navy,giving the enemy and the anti-war left a propaganda victory,but no what does the hero do?He stays for 5 years until after a successful bombing campaign by the air force forces the NVA to give em to us)Besides liberals bashing his record while advocating the same useless war policies that killed his fellow servicemen,is only going to make this an even more personal fight.You don't want to do that,America doesn't want another Jimmy Carter aka Obama.

McCain 0'8. Honor and 27 years in the senate is better than nothing.




  1. Unpatriotic? that's a new one. Everyone respects his service to this country and no one would try to take that away from him. Who bashed his records? im not denying it because there are crazy people out their but i have not heard anyone bash his service.

    and p.s.    You may not want another jimmy carter but we don't want another Bush.

  2. When you figure a definitive answer as to the why's and what fors liberals do things the way they do then you'll be a rich Person.

  3. I know of no "liberals" who have been questioning McCain's patriotism.  There may be some, but if so they are definitely in the minority.  I do, however, know of some conservatives who are questioning, if not McCain's patriotism, then at least his record as a POW (see link).

    There is no real reason to question McCain's patriotism, but then there is equally no reason to question Obama's, either.  If you don't like the policies or pronouncements of one or the other of the candidates, fine.  But let's get off this ridiculous merry-go-round of one-upmanship as to who is the "most" patriotic.

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