
Why do liberals use violence to protest a war?

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Read these little treasures:

'Roving groups dressed in black and wearing masks smashed windows of stores and police cruisers, shut down intersections and lit small fires in downtown St. Paul.'

'About 30 members of the Connecticut delegation were attacked when they got off their charter bus near the convention site, said state party Chairman Christopher Healy. About 100 protesters approached the delegates "shouting anti-war rhetoric" before starting to shove, spit and throw liquid on the group, he said. Healy said tests confirmed that about 15 of the delegates had been splashed with bleach.'

SOOOOO, liberals-- isn't this AGAINST what Obama wants??

Isn't this 'politics as usual'??




  1. Why are you asking the Liberals on here?  Obviously it wasn't any liberal that posts on this what's the point of this?  Are you trying to demonize them to make your affiliation look good?  

    It was irresponsible and reprehensible actions that they took at the RNC...but why not pose this question by asking for opinions, instead of trying to rile up people?  

    I guess when that's all you have...

  2. Because they hate America and the vast majority of them are backstabbing hypocrites.  

  3. They are all doped up.

  4. These are extreme leftist/liberals. In my experience. They have all the time in the world to sit around get drunk and read Marx . Due to being from upper middle class families. That support them financially thru their whole eternal time in college.

    A thing I notice in some left and liberal types. Not all but a good deal. They are all for freedom concerning hip fringe issues. g*y rights, illegal immigrants, free money for every lazy bozo, etc. However they have no tolerance for anything even mildly conservative or having to do with family values etc or common good. Also they champion every minority groups rights except for the poor red neck. When these types are actually more racist than most red necks. By playing savior to the minority and having an attitude of what is best for them. Acting as though they are incapable of trying to better themselves and need handouts from a big liberal regime to survive.

    Also a lot of lib ideas are rooted in fascism. Google the founding of organic farming. See what you find.

    Well this a rant and I'm getting a tad boring. Thank You.

  5. these are not liberals - these are fanatical anarchists - the exact opposite of a liberal

    just because they are smashing up the RNC doesn;t mean they are dems or liberals - most will either not vote or vote for an off the wall candidate - i'm guessing the most popular among this group is ron paul.

  6. They're anarchists, not liberals.

    Anarchists don't believe in government.

    They are liberals like Timothy McVeigh was a conservative.  

  7. I take it you're a republican.  Well on Hannity and Colmes yesterday Newt Gingrich even said it wasn't the liberals but anarchists using a key opportunity to cause mayhem.

  8. These people are thugs.

    They merely use political protest as a cover for their criminal bechaior.

  9. liberals aren't the same as leftists. get it straight friend.

    RE hie: i'm glad that you want to try people who smash police cars for war crimes but the people who bomb tens of thousands of innocent civilians are "heroes." i'm glad you've got your priorities straight.

  10. And yet more misinformation from the right. These are not liberals.

  11. I don't condone violent protests.  Protests should be peaceful.  

    You should not generalize about liberals and then state your generalization as a fact when using an example of a few people.  That makes no sense.

  12. Do you think these little cowards even care at about our troops? They would love to see America destroyed and I am sure they were laughing on 9/11 too.....

  13. They are all kooks

  14. Because it's not the war they are protesting, they protest America.

    Saying they are anti-war is just a front for that fact they are anti-American. Saying anti-war allows them to trap the weak-minding into joining their cause.

  15. They know the cops can't fight back and the cowards take advantage of it.

  16. Those people were anarchists. That is different from being a liberal or a democrat. Most of the protestors marched peacefully and lawfully. The violent ones are idiots and deserved to be arrested.  

  17. It was anarchists, not liberals. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it liberal. That would be like me calling you a n**i everytime your small brain embarrasses you on Y!A.

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